2022-2023 Catalog


MS - Special Education Teaching Major

The Master of Science (M.S) program with a major in Special Education Teaching is designed to provide an advanced degree in special education teaching to teachers who were awarded a Transition to Teaching Special Education Certificate Certificate (or equivalent initial preparation at the graduate level) within ten years and became practicing classroom teachers who received their initial Special Education P-12 teaching license. Candidates will complete a 30-credit hour program by adding 15 hours of advanced preparation courses to 15 hours that may be transferred in from TTT Special Education program coursework at the graduate level. The added credit hours are designed to provide participants with methods and materials to deepen their teaching ability and help their students learn, including culturally responsive teaching, ethics and faith, and research and technology tools. They build on prior TTT coursework and teaching experience and align to the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation's advanced-level program standards. Course instruction is designed to model best practices and procedures in the classroom.

In order to enter the degree program, candidates must have at least one year of successful teaching experience as a teacher of record; this may preclude some TTT Special Education completers from entering this degree program immediately. This program does not lead to additional subject area licensure. Prior to applying, an applicant is responsible for knowing whether or not this program will satisfy regulatory requirements for the state or country in which they may be seeking advanced standing. 

Upon completion of the additional courses, candidates should be able to:

  • Demonstrate the ability to use research with an understanding of qualitative, quantitative and/or mixed methods research methodologies.
  • Demonstrate ethical, Christ-like attitudes, values, and biblical worldview that encompass professional dispositions, laws and policies, codes of ethics and professional standards appropriate to classroom teaching in their professional behaviors.
  • Apply advanced knowledge of student learning suitable for any student.
  • Apply data literacy to develop or sustain supportive school environments.
  • Apply self-reflection and data analysis to improve their own teaching. 
  • Demonstrate the ability to lead and participate in collaborative activities with others, such as peers, colleagues, teachers, administrators, community organizations, and parents.
  • Apply technology appropriate for their field of specialization.
  • Demonstrate cultural knowledge and culturally responsive teaching that promotes student and school success. 
  • Apply content knowledge and skills that the courses and other experiences of this advanced preparation emphasize.
  • Integrate global philosophies into their own educational practices.

Admission Requirements

The admission requirements for the M.S. program with a major in Special Education Teaching are as follows:

  • Successful awarding of a TTT Special Education Certificate within the last ten years through coursework at the graduate level.
  • Candidates need:
    • A valid (but not necessarily current) teacher’s license or state, national, or international equivalent..
    • At least one year of P-12 teaching experience as teacher of record with supporting documentation from a school administrator.
    • Supporting documentation demonstrating access to a special education classroom.

Graduation Requirements

To graduate, from the M.S. program, candidates must have completed the following:

  • Successful completion of the M.S. curriculum.
  • Cumulative GPA of 3.0 or above in all graduate work and a minimum grade of "B-" in each course.
  •  Payment of all tuition and fees is required to receive a diploma.

MS - Special Education Teaching Major - Program of Study

Special Education Teaching Courses

Major (successful completion of a TTT Special Education Certificate with courses offered at a graduate level satisfies15 hours of study in the major; an example would be the most recent version of IWU’s TTT Special Education Certificate with EDUT-563, EDSE-515, EDSE-525, EDSE-535, EDUT-573, EDUT-583, and EDSE-595; an equivalent body of work from another curriculum maybe used)

Total Credit Hours:15

Core Courses

EDUC-510How We Learn


EDUC-520The Faithful Teacher


EDUC-530The Craft of Teaching


EDUC-600Classroom Action Research Tools


EDUC-630Research in My School


Total Credit Hours:15

Indiana Weselayan