2022-2023 Catalog


MS - Special Education Major (Non-licensure)

Indiana Wesleyan University's Master of Science with a major in Special Education (Non-licensure) (MSSE-NL) is a master's degree, non-licensure program. This program is open to candidates seeking advanced knowledge and skills in the field of special education for P-12 learners with mild to moderate exceptional learning needs.

Candidates will complete a 33-credit hour program which includes a 15-credit-hour Core and an 18-credit-hour major in Special Education, which aligns to the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) standards. The 15 credit hours of Core courses in Education are designed to provide participants with methods and materials to deepen their teaching ability and help their own students learn, including culturally responsive teaching, ethics and faith, and research and technology tools. Course instruction is designed to model best practices and procedures in the classroom.

This program is open to candidates from all states and countries, and is not tied to state licensure. Candidates could include teachers or professionals in the following settings: International schools, ACSI schools both stateside and overseas, Charter Schools, Private schools, and residential programs and settings. This program may also appeal to traditional public-school teachers who are seeking a master’s degree or continuing education, but are not interested in special education licensure.

Upon completion of this program, candidates should be able to:

  • Identify diverse cultural and linguistic needs and utilize available technologies to develop culturally responsive learning plans.
  • Use knowledge of general and specialized curricular content to individualize learning for students with exceptionalities.
  • Select and administer appropriate assessments and analyze data from multiple sources to make data-driven decisions for students with exceptionalities.
  • Select evidence-based instructional strategies and resources and implement them effectively to meet exceptional learning needs.
  • Demonstrate the ability to create safe, inclusive learning environments by implementing evidence-based behavioral interventions for students with exceptionalities.
  • Collaborate with families, colleagues, related service providers, and other stakeholders to provide appropriate learning experiences for students with exceptionalities.
  • Use foundational knowledge of the field and the professional Ethical Principles and Practice Standards to develop ethical, legally compliant communications and learning plans for students with exceptionalities.
  • Demonstrate ethical, Christ-like attitudes, values, and biblical worldview in their professional behaviors with colleagues and students with exceptionalities.
  • Demonstrate strength in the following dispositional domains: Communication, Critical Thinking, Human Interaction, Leadership, and Professionalism.
  • Demonstrate the ability to use research with an understanding of qualitative, quantitative and/or mixed methods research methodologies.
  • Demonstrate ethical, Christ-like attitudes, values, and biblical worldview that encompass professional dispositions, laws and policies, codes of ethics and professional standards appropriate to classroom teaching in their professional behaviors.
  • Apply advanced knowledge of student learning suitable for any student.
  • Apply data literacy to develop or sustain supportive school environments.
  • Apply self-reflection and data analysis to improve their own teaching.
  • Demonstrate the ability to lead and participate in collaborative activities with others, such as peers, colleagues, teachers, administrators, community organizations, and parents.
  • Apply technology appropriate for their field of specialization.
  • Demonstrate cultural knowledge and culturally responsive teaching that promotes student and school success.
  • Apply content knowledge and skills that the courses and other experiences of this advanced preparation emphasize.
  • Integrate global philosophies into their own educational practices.

Admission Requirements

To meet the admission requirements for this program, candidates must:

  • A baccalaureate or graduate degree from a college or university that is accredited by an accrediting agency recognized by both the U.S. Department of Education (ED) and the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) verified on original transcripts sent by the institution directly to Indiana Wesleyan University. Transcripts from foreign institutions may need to be sent to an outside agency for evaluation and determination of transferable credits, degrees, and GPA. If this outside review is necessary, students are responsible for the initiation of this evaluation and for any fees incurred during the process.
  • An undergraduate GPA of 2.75 or higher from the baccalaureate degree granting institution at which at least of minimum of 30 hours was completed.
  • Be currently employed in or have access to a P-12 public or non-public school or international school.
  • Submit a signed FERPA Release Form.

Field and Clinical Experience Requirements

All candidates must complete field and clinical experiences embedded within the special education courses.

Graduation Requirements

To graduate from the M.S. program, candidates must have completed the following:

  • Successful completion of the M.S. curriculum.
  • Cumulative GPA of 3.0 or above in all graduate work and a minimum grade of "B-" in each course.
  • Payment of all tuition and fees is required to receive a diploma.

MS - Special Education (Non-licensure) - Program of Study

Core Courses

Field experiences will be required in some courses.

EDSE-510Foundations in Language and Literacy Instruction


EDSE-520Individualized Assessment and Data-Based Reading Interventions


EDSE-530Research-Based Behavior Interventions


EDSE-540Strategies and Interventions for Students With Autism Spectrum Disorders


EDSE-550Collaboration With Families and Professionals


EDSE-560Professional Learning and Ethical Practices


EDUC-510How We Learn


EDUC-520The Faithful Teacher


EDUC-530The Craft of Teaching


EDUC-600Classroom Action Research Tools


EDUC-630Research in My School


Total Credit Hours:33

Indiana Weselayan