Student Handbook 2024-2025


Substance Use

The possession and/or use of the following substances in any form are prohibited:

•     Alcohol: Indiana Wesleyan University prohibits the purchase, possession and use of alcoholic beverages, powders, or alcohol substitutes (i.e. near beer). Additionally, students are not permitted to be in the presence of alcohol (e.g. at a night club, bar, party, off campus house etc.)

•     Illegal/Legal Drugs: Indiana Wesleyan University prohibits the unlawful possession, use, sale, or distribution of illegal drugs, controlled substances, or paraphernalia (including “rolling” papers, pipes, etc.) by students on or away from campus. Additionally, intentionally or recklessly inhaling or ingesting substances (i.e. nitrous oxide, glue, paint, K2, Spice, etc.) that will alter a student’s mental state is also prohibited.

•     Prescription Drugs: Students are expected to use legal prescriptions according to their prescribed purpose and dosage. Sharing or selling prescription drugs will be considered a violation of this policy. In addition, over the counter medications should only be used for their intended purposes.

•     Tobacco & Smoking Devices: Indiana Wesleyan University prohibits the purchase, possession and use of tobacco products or tobacco substitutes in any form, as well as smoking devices including, but not limited to, hookah, vaporizers, juuls, etc.

Violators of this policy may be referred to Campus Police for violations of local and state laws.

The following is a summary of the laws in Indiana that pertain to substance abuse. Dealing cocaine, marijuana, hash oil, hashish, narcotic drugs, a controlled substance or paraphernalia is also a felony. Alcohol possession or illegal consumption for minors (under the age of 21) is a misdemeanor offense.

Students should be aware of the risks associated with the use and abuse of alcohol and illicit drugs:

•     Drinking and driving is a leading cause of injury and death.

•     Alcohol can react dangerously with many medicines (both prescription and over-the-counter).

•     Drinking and/or using drugs during times of emotional stress only makes problems worse.

•     Drinking and/or using drugs can cause problems with law enforcement.

•     Drinking and/or using drugs can negatively impact academic performance.

Indiana Wesleyan University offers the following services to students who are dealing with alcohol and drug abuse problems:

The Center for Student Success has professionally trained counselors that can assist students in the beginning stages of a substance abuse problem. The Center for Student Success can use the assessment services of the Cornerstone Professional Treatment Services, Substance Abuse Center or the Wabash Addictions Center. Students may be referred to these community agencies if they are assessed as needing more intensive outpatient treatment or residential treatment. The Center for Student Success staff members are not specialists in the treatment of substance abuse and will usually work in conjunction with these agencies.

Indiana Weselayan