Student Handbook 2024-2025


Media Policy

Media, in its various forms, may be the most significant influence in American culture today. Unfortunately, Judeo/ Christian ideals and principles are not prominent in many aspects of media industries. Although some would argue that media is often purely entertainment, in truth, it can be a powerful teacher, at times introducing us to values, lifestyles and behaviors otherwise outside of our personal experience. Often this is healthy, causing us to think more deeply or understand more fully. But sometimes this is unhealthy, causing us to be intrigued with sin issues and/or building images and addictions that will haunt us for the rest of our lives. Without purposefully constructing and utilizing critical thinking skills, consciences can be badly damaged and thoughtful selection almost non-existent.

This policy has been developed to help our community positively deal with this issue. Indiana Wesleyan University believes in encouraging students to exercise wisdom, discernment, and responsible stewardship in the personal and corporate uses of media and entertainment (including, but not limited to, music, drama, television, internet material, literature, movies, and video and internet games). Choices regarding leisure and entertainment are important aspects of our calling to glorify God in all areas of our lives; such decisions should be guided by the convicting powers of the Holy Spirit and biblical principles about careful use of time, purity of thought, and sensitivity to others. A primary point of reference for this policy is based on Philippians 4:8: “Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things.”

While rating standards/policies (i.e. MPAA movie rating system) and media review resources (i.e. and for varying media are imperfect, they can serve as helpful guides in selecting and discerning consumption of media. Consumed media should contribute to spiritual, moral, intellectual, and physical well-being, and discretion and restraint used regarding that which is morally questionable or diminishes moral sensitivity (i.e. gratuitous violence or sexual content, media supporting/advocating for the denigration of others, etc.). As a community that cares for each other, dialogue with other community members (friends, roommates, resident assistants, resident directors, faculty, staff, etc.) is encouraged in order to challenge and support one another concerning appropriate uses of media and entertainment.

It should be noted that the following types of media and entertainment are not allowed for consumption by students at any time, whether on or off campus:

•     Movies that are NC-17-rated, X-rated, or comparable (as deemed by University Personnel)

•     Video games rated AO (Adults only)

•     Pornography (see “Abstain from Pornography” in Community Standards for definition)

University personnel reserve the right to address concerns regarding any form of media or entertainment and students are expected to comply with any requests made.

Additionally, due to copyright laws films of any kind are not to be viewed in lobbies or other public areas unless they have received appropriate university approval and one of the following criteria is met:

A public performance license has been purchased (

The setting falls within the narrowly defined face-to-face teaching activities, as outlined in the Federal Copyright Act, Title 17, section 110.1 (

Indiana Weselayan