Student Handbook 2024-2025


Posting Policies and Procedures

Posted and advertised items are generally limited to events and activities sponsored by Indiana Wesleyan University.

In addition to the guidelines listed below, no adhesive of any kind should be used on glass, doors, painted columns, or walls (includes, but is not limited to sticky tack, masking tape, duct tape, and scotch tape).

All personal classifieds (advertising items for sale, homes for rent, etc…) are limited to a designated area in the Student Center and must be approved and posted by the Office of Conference Services (see Student Center Posting Policy).


Barnes Student Center

Once university clubs, organizations, or groups have received appropriate supervisor approval concerning the design and content of their advertisement, the Office of Conference Services is responsible for approving, stamping, dating, posting, and removing ALL materials distributed or displayed inside/immediately outside of the Student Center. Items without the proper approval will be removed and discarded (see Student Center Posting Policies on the IWU Portal for more detailed guidelines and directions).

Other Campus Buildings

All interior advertisements (signs, flyers, posters, banners, table tents, etc.) for university clubs, organizations, and groups must be reviewed and approved for content by Student Development, located in suite 282 of the Barnes Student Center. A stamp will be placed on approved signs.

Individuals and groups whose advertisements are approved will be provided with a list that contains the number of signs needed for each building advertisement is desired in. The appropriate number of advertisements are to be supplied to Student Development; advertisements will be delivered to the corresponding building coordinators, and the respective building coordinators (or their designee) will hang the advertisements.

Items without the proper approval will be removed and discarded.


•     Each building may have unique policies relating to hanging advertisements and the decision to hang an advertisement, including where in the building and method used, will be at the discretion of respective building coordinators.

•     Signs and advertisements for academic programs, IWU theatre and musical performances, and other official IWU events do NOT have to be approved by Student Development, but should still be hung in the locations designated by building coordinators and according to building-specific hanging guidelines.


All external advertisement (i.e. sidewalk chalk, banners, signs, flyers, etc…) must also be reviewed and approved by Student Development, with the exception of advertisement on/immediately outside of the Student Center (see Barnes Student Center posting policy above).

Sidewalk chalk should never be used on campus structures and should not be used within 25 feet of building entrances in order to avoid tracking chalk inside buildings.

Indiana Weselayan