2023-2024 Catalog


Grading and Evaluation

A letter grade is used in evaluating the work for a course. For the purpose of determining scholastic standing and awarding honors, grade points are granted according to the letter grades and semester hours of credit. The grade point average (GPA) is the number of quality points earned at IWU divided by the number of credit hours attempted at IWU.


Quality Points


(per credit)























The following grades are not figured into the GPA:











Repeated Courses -A student may repeat any undergraduate course in which a grade below "C" ("C-," "D+," "D," or "F") was previously earned. CAPS graduate students with a cumulative GPA below the minimum required by their program for graduation, may retake, at their option, any class in which they earned below a "B-."

Whenever a course is repeated, the last grade and credits earned replace the previous grade in computing the student’s grade point average (GPA). All entries, however, remain a part of the student’s permanent academic record. Duplicate credit hours are not given for two or more passing efforts. 

Students on Academic Probation are encouraged to repeat courses in which they have earned an unsatisfactory grade as the fastest way to raise their GPA.

Incomplete Grades - Students are expected to complete the course requirements by the last class session. There may be instances when crisis circumstances or events prevent the student from completing the course requirements in a timely manner. However, the issuance of an incomplete cannot be given if the student fails to meet the engagement requirements. In these rare situations, a grade of "I" (incomplete) may be issued but only after completing the following process:

  • The student must request an "I" from the instructor.
  • The instructor must obtain approval from the appropriate Executive Director of Online and Student Success.

Because "incompletes" are granted only for extenuating circumstances, the student’s grade will not be penalized.

A student who receives an "incomplete" has 10 weeks from the ending date of the course to complete course requirements and turn them in to the instructor. If, at the end of the 10-week extension, the student has failed to complete the course requirements in order to receive a passing grade, the "incomplete" will become an "F." A student with more than one incomplete on record is subject to academic suspension. (Some programs have different incomplete requirements; see specific program page for detailed information.)

Grade Reports - At the end of each course, the instructor submits grades for each student. Grade reports are available online to the student and indicate courses taken, credits received, and grades assigned.

Transcripts - The student’s official transcript is prepared by the Indiana Wesleyan University Registrar's Office and will show the course, grade, credit, and dates of instruction for each course.  Transcripts will include undergraduate and graduate work with the GPA divided into undergraduate and graduate calculations. Requests for transcripts of coursework at Indiana Wesleyan University must conform with the Privacy Act of 1974, which requires that all transcript requests be submitted in writing and signed by the student, for protection of the student's confidentiality. A transcript is official only when it bears the university seal.

It is university policy not to release a transcript if the student has any financial holds on their record or if he or she is delinquent on any loan received through Indiana Wesleyan University. A $5 fee is charged for each transcript, with an additional $2.50 Parchment ordering free. Payment must be provided, along with a complete address to which the transcript is to be delivered. Please provide a current address if request is to be sent to student's home. Transcript requests can be accessed by visiting http://www.indwes.edu/Academics/Registrar/Transcript and submitting the request through the ordering service.

Indiana Weselayan