2023-2024 Catalog


General Education Requirements (AS- Business) 24 credit hours and Student Learning Outcomes

General Education Learning Outcomes

  • Integration of Faith: Apply tenets of the Christian faith to the thinking, dispositions, and actions that form their character. 
  • Written Communication: Write clearly and effectively for a specified audience and purpose. 
  • Speaking and Listening: Communicate effectively with diverse audiences, both verbally and non-verbally, and listen with empathy for shared understanding. 
  • Quantitative Reasoning: Solve mathematical problems enabling determination and communication of reasonable solutions. 
  • Scientific: Apply qualitative and quantitative methods to gather data and generate evidence‐based conclusions. 
  • Social and Behavioral: Compare and contrast contending interpretations for social, behavioral, or historical phenomena. 
  • Humanistic and Artistic: Interpret the aesthetic properties of creative artistic forms as living abundantly. 
  • Critical Thinking: Students can comprehensively analyze issues, ideas, artifacts and events before accepting or formulating an opinion or conclusion. 
  • Teamwork: Students can collaboratively direct value-adding behaviors toward team objectives and tasks. 
  • Digital Information Literacy: Students can apply credible information from digital resources to answer questions, solve problems, and make decisions.

Indiana College Core (ICC)

Indiana Wesleyan University participates voluntarily in the Indiana ICC program in order to serve students who begin their studies at other schools.  The Indiana ICC is a block of 30 credit hours, defined individually by each participating Indiana educational institution, that fulfills six specific general education competencies. Participating schools agree to certify transferring students who have completed the core and to honor the certification of other schools regarding transfer students. A student completing the core at any participating institution is counted as having completed the core at every other participating institution, even though the courses are not identical.

Students presenting a transcript with completion of ICC noted will meet all of the general education requirements stated above with the exception of three semester credits in Biblical Studies. A Bible course must be accepted in transfer or taken at Indiana Wesleyan University in order to fulfill this requirement.

General Education Requirements
In addition to the regular core curriculum (major), a 24-credit general education core is required of associate students enrolled in IWU-National and Global education programs. This 24-credit general education core includes:

General Education Courses

Written Communication - 6 credit hours

ENG-140College Writing


ENG-141Research and Writing


Oral Communication - 3 credit hours

COM-115Introduction to Human Communication



COM-280Intercultural Communication


Social or Behavioral Sciences or Arts and Humanities - 6 credit hours

PSY-150General Psychology


ECO-205Introduction to Business Economics


Biblical Studies - 3 credit hours

BIL-114Christian Faith, Character, and Virtue


Mathematics - 3 credit hours

MAT-110Business Mathematics


Natural Sciences - 3 credit hours

EAR-130Earth Science



Indiana Weselayan