2019-2020 Catalog
2019-2020 Catalog > Courses > SOC - Sociology > 400
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Series of rotating seminars, each dealing with a different sociological issue such as human sexuality, church and society, society and sport, aging, death and dying. May be repeated. Prerequisites: Consent of the department.
Individually arranged with instructor. Prerequisites: Sociology major and consent of the department.
An intensive study of major schools of sociological theory, such as symbolic interaction, structure- functionalism, and conflict theory, together with a consideration of the close relationship between sociological theory and research.
This course provides principles and methods of research design are emphasized in this course. Using survey, experimental, and observational approaches, students develop an appreciation for the research process. Quantitative and qualitative approaches are explored. Students are involved in research projects which provide opportunities for application of course material. Prerequisites: An approved statistics course or consent of the department.