2019-2020 Catalog
2019-2020 Catalog
COM - Advanced Acting
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Programs of Study
Indiana Wesleyan University at a Glance
College of Arts and Sciences
College of Adult and Professional Studies (CAPS)
School of Nursing (SON)
School of Health Sciences
Wesley Seminary at Indiana Wesleyan University
The Graduate School
ACC - Accounting
ACCEPT - Accepted Into Major
ACCT - Accounting
ACCT - Accounting Capstone
ACSI - ACSI Credential Program
ACSI - Orientation to the ACSI Credentialing Program
ADC - Addiction Programs and Professional Development
ADC - Addictions Counseling
ADM - Administration
ADM - Advanced Managerial Economics
ART - 3D Modeling and Animation I
ART - Art
ATR - Administration of Athletic Training
ATR - Athletic Training
BADM - Applied Doctoral Program Evaluation and Assessment
BADM - Business Administration
BIB - Bible Lit-Taylor Co-op ACSI
BIB - Introduction to the New Testament
BIBL - Apocalyptic Literature
BIBL - Bible
BIL - Acts of the Apostles
BIL - Biblical Literature
BIO - Advanced Crops and Society
BIO - Biology
BIOE - Biological Chemistry
BIOE - Biology in Education
BIOL - Biological Chemistry
BIOL - Biology
BIS - Advanced Web Application Development in a Business Environment
BIS - Business Information Systems
BUS - Accounting for Business
BUS - Business
CCU - CCU Co-Operative Program
CDV - Community Development
CDV - Community Development Management
CED - Christian Education
CEO - CEO Forum
CEO - Creating a Virtuous Organization
CHE - Analytical Chemistry
CHE - Chemistry
CHI - Advanced Mandarin Chinese I
CHI - Mandarin Chinese
CHN - Applied Nursing Capstone Project
CHN - Community Health Nursing
CHST - American Christianity
CHST - Church History
CIS - Advanced Internet Concepts
CIS - Computer Information Sciences
CIT - Basic Web Design and Development
CIT - Computer Informatn Technology
CITM - Applied Information Technology Capstone
CITM - Computer Info Tech Mgmt
CNS - Academic Counseling and Classroom Management
CNS - Counseling
COM - Advanced Acting
COM - Communication
COMM - Communications
COMM - Decision-Making and Essential Business Communication
COMP - Competency Requirements
CON - Continuing Education
CONG - Building a Multi-Generational Ministry
CONG - Congregational Formation
Courses Folder
CPT - College Preparatory Training
CPT - Emerging Leaders Consortium
CRJ - Capstone in Criminal Justice
CRJ - Criminal Justice
CYB - Authorization and Access Security
CYB - Cyber Security
DES - Advanced Typography Studio
DES - Design
DNE - Ballet
DNE - Dance
DNP - Advanced Health Assessment
DNP - Doctor of Nursing Practice
DOL - Advanced Global Leadership
DOL - Doc Org Leadership
DPT - Advanced Practice in Physical Therapy
DPT - Doctor of Physical Therapy
EAR - Earth Science
ECED - Advocacy Internship in Early Childhood
ECED - Early Childhood Education
ECO - American Economic History
ECO - Economics
ECON - Business Economics
ECON - Economics
EDCE - Advanced Instructional Design
EDCE - Education - Christian Educ
EDCS - Christian Philosophy of Education
EDCS - Grad Educ Continuing Studies
EDD - Action Research I for Education
EDD - Doctor of Education
EDEL - Classroom Assessments for the CLD-ELL Student
EDEL - Education - Engl Lang Learners
EDHA - Cognitive and Affective Development of High Ability Learners
EDHA - Education - High Ability
EDL - Advanced Educational Change Theory
EDL - Educational Leadership
EDOL - Assessing Knowledge and Skills in the Online Learning Environment
EDOL - Education - Online Learning
EDRE - Education - Reading
EDRE - Fostering an Environment for Student Literacy Development
EDS - Assessment in Special Education
EDSE - Collaboration With Families and Professionals
EDSE - Education - Special Education
EDS - Special Education
EDTL - Applied Educational Research
EDTL - Education - Teacher Leadership
EDU - Achieving Student Outcomes Through Cooperative Learning
EDUC - Advanced Assessment Design
EDUC - Graduation Education - Core
EDUE - 21st Century Literacy in Historical Research Methods
EDU - Education
EDUE - Graduate Education Elective
EDUT - Assessment and Learning Processes in the Secondary Classroom
EDUT - Graduate Education - TTT
ELE - Elective
ENG - Academic Composition
ENG - English
ENGL - Drama and Culture
ENGL - English
ENS Environmental Sci Taylor
ENT - Entrepreneurial Planning and Strategy
ENT - Entrepreneurship
ESL - Academic English Listening And Reading
FIN - Accounting and Financial Concepts of Business
FINA - Contemporary Art and Culture
FINA - Fine Arts
FINC - Accounting and Finance for Managers
FINC - Finance
FIN - Finance
FRE - Advanced Topics in French
FRE - French
FSC - Faith and Artistic Development In Film
FSC - Film Studies Center
GEN - College Reading Skills (1)
GEN - General Education
GEO - Geography
GEO - Physical Geography
GLM - Christianity in Intercultural Contexts
GLM - Global Ministries
GNUR - Advanced Nursing Instruction
GNUR - Graduate Nursing
GRAD - Graduate Studies
GRAD - Scholarly Writing
GRE - Beginning Greek I
GRE - Greek
HBR - Beginning Hebrew I
HBR - Hebrew
HCA - Capstone Project for Healthcare Administrators
HCAD - Applied Doctoral Program Evaluation and Assessment - Healthcare Administration
HCAD - Healthcare Administration
HCAD - Health Care Administration
HCA - Healthcare Administration
HCM - Health Care Finance
HCM - Healthcare Management
HCM - Health Care Management
HMSR - Administration in Human Services
HMSR - Human Services
HNR - Advanced Topics in Interdisciplinary Humanities
HNR - Honors College
HRM - Compensation and Benefits
HRM - Human Resources Management
HRMT - Evidence-Based Tools for HR Decision-Making
HRMT - Human Resources Management
HSM - An Introduction to Quantitative Tools for Decision-Making in Hospitality Management
HSM - Hospitality Management
HST - American Civil War
HST - History
HUM - Humanities
HUM - Humanities Transfer
ICD - Global Studies Program
ICD - Intl and Comm Development
INR - Foreign Policy Analysis
INR - International Relations
INST - Cross-Cultural Discipleship
INST - Intercultural Studies
INT - Christianity in Intercultural Contexts
INT - Intercultural Studies
IPE - Interprofessional Education
LA - Assessment of Student Learning
LA - Learning Academy
LANG - Language
LAT - Beginning Latin I
LAT - Latin
LDR - Current Issues in Leadership
LDR - Leadership
LEAD - Change Agent
LEAD - Leadership
LFC - Career Exploration and Personal Development
LFC - Life Calling
LIT - American Literature
LIT - Literature
MAT - Advanced Algebra
MATH - Abstract Algebra
MATH - Mathematics
MAT - Math
MDIV - Christian Proclamation
MDIV - Master Divinity
MED - Master of Education Program
MED - Orientation to the Master of Education Program
MGMT - Applied Doctoral Program Evaluation and Assessment - Management
MGMT - Management
MGT - Analysis and Decision-Making
MGT - Management
MHNP - Advanced Health Status Assessment for the Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner
MHNP - Mental Health Nursing Pract
MIN - Adolescent Development and Family Systems in Youth Ministry
MIN - Ministry
MISS - Missions
MKG - Advertising and Promotion
MKG - Marketing
MKTG - Marketing
MKTG - Marketing Management
MLT - Medical Laboratory Technology
MNG - Comparative Management Styles
MNG - Management
MOL - Ethical Challenges of Leadership
MOL - MA Organizational Leadership
MPH - Advanced Epidemiology
MPH - Public Health
MSC - Experimental Developmental Topics
MSC - Military Science
MSL - MA - Sports Leadership
MSL - Sports Leadership Facilities and Event Management
MUS - Advanced Conducting
MUS - Music
NES - Archaeology of Syria-Palestine
NES - Near Eastern Studies
NRA - Advanced Nursing Management
NRA - Nursing Administration
NRE - Advanced Health and Physical Assessment
NRE - Nursing Education
NUR - Adult Health I
NUR - Nursing
OTA - Occupational Therapy Assistant
OTD - Behavioral Health and Group Process
OTD - Doctor of Occupational Therapy
OTS - Online Training Seminar
OTS - Preparing for Instructional Excellence
PBP - Environmental Economics and Policy
PBP - Public Policy
PCNS - Crisis Intervention Strategies for Ministry
PCNS - Pastoral Counseling
PCRE - Congregational Relationships
PCRE - Pastoral Care
PFD - Professional Development
PHE - Active Recreation Games
PHE - Physical Education
PHL - Advanced Topics in Philosophy
PHL - Philosophy
PHO - Alternative Photographic Processes
PHO - Photography
PHY - Advanced Physics Laboratory Measurements
PHYE - Physics in Education
PHY - Physics
PHYS - Classical Mechanics
PHYS - Graduate Physics
PLS - Capstone in Paralegal Studies
PLS - Paralegal Studies
PMD - Perspectives in Scientific Reasoning
PMD - Pre-Medical Science
PMHN - Advanced Health Status Assessment for the Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner
PMHN - Psych Mental Hlth Nursing
POL - American Government
POL - Political Science
PREP - Preparatory Requirements
PREP - Requirement Met by Test Score
PROC - Africana Preaching
PROC - Proclamation
PROJ - Advanced Project Management Topics
PROJ - Project Management
PSY - Adolescent Growth and Development
PSY - Psychology
PTH - Biblical Exposition
PTH - Practical Theology
PYC - Advanced Health Assessment
PYC - Primary Care Nursing
REC - Camp Counseling
REC - Recreation Management
REL - A Christian Way of Life
REL - Religion
RSCH - Frameworks of Ministry Research
RSCH - Research
SCI - Directed Studies in Science
SCI - Science
SDC - Administration and Finance in Higher Education
SDC - Student Development Counseling
SOC - Aging in America
SOC - Sociology
SOS - Introduction to the Social Sciences
SOS - Social Sciences
SPA - Advanced Spanish Grammar
SPA - Spanish
SPIR - New Monasticism and Renewal Movements in The Wesleyan Tradition for the 21st Century
SPIR - Spiritual Formation
STA - Business Statistics
STA - Sta
STAT - Statistics
STAT - Statistics for Business Decision-Making
SWK - Advanced Field Placement and Seminar I
SWK - Social Work
TC - Orientation to the Teacher Certificate Programs
TC - Teaching Certificate
TECH - Data Utilization and Evaluation
TECH - Technology
THE - Apologetics
THEO - Theology
THE - Theology
THR - Advanced Acting
THR - Theatre
TSL - English Grammar Pedagogy
TSL - Tchng English As Second Lang
UNV - University Studies
WAIV - Requirement Met by Test Score
WAIV - Waivers
WEB - Web Development
WOR - Centuries of Song
WOR - Worship
WRI - Advanced Writing
WRI - Writing
WSEM - Introduction to Seminary Studies
WSEM - Wesley Seminary Studies
WSHP - Christian Worship
WSHP - Worship
YTH - Advanced Studies in Youth and Culture
YTH - Youth
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