2016-2017 Catalog


Pre-Declared Student Advising

The Pre-declared classification has been established by Indiana Wesleyan University for students who enter IWU with the desire to explore academic majors and related careers before committing to a major program of study. Life Calling and Integrative Learning provides academic advising to these students.

Through individual appointments, workshops, and the Life Calling course (LFC-150), the Life Calling and Integrative Learning assists Pre-declared students with the following:

  1. Developing a sense of purpose and calling as a basis for making life decisions.
  2. Selecting and scheduling courses.
  3. Establishing and evaluating academic goals.
  4. Understanding and navigating university academic policies and procedures.
  5. Exploring academic majors and related careers.
  6. Declaring a major.
  7. Connecting with additional university programs and resources.

Indiana Weselayan