2016-2017 Catalog


Commuter Students

Commuter students are recognized as full members of the IWU community. Such status comes with the same privileges and responsibilities expected of all students, which are described in the Student Handbook (available online at http://www.indwes.edu/Life-At-IWU/IWU-Student-Handbook/).

Additionally, commuter students receive the same services and opportunities as other students on campus. IWU also recognizes the unique needs of this student group and there are some additional things the institution has been intentional to provide in efforts to ensure the success and full participation of commuter students. Specifically, the Barnes Student Center has a lounge designed for commuter students with a kitchen, lockers, lounge furniture, and tables for group studying. Commuter students also have representatives on the Student Government Association to whom they may express concerns or work toward better services for commuter students. Finally, the university has designated a staff member as a point of contact for commuter students who have questions or concerns. Questions concerning commuter students may be directed to Life Calling & Integrative Learning Office (Commuters@indwes.edu).

Indiana Weselayan