Academic, Counseling, Disability and Testing Services
The Center for Student Success (CSS) offers services to guide, equip, and empower students. These services are designed around a Christ-centered student growth model to encourage student success in the classroom and in life. Academic services include training in study skills, organization, and time management. Support is also provided to discuss basic skills necessary for achieving higher levels of academic performance. These services are provided with CSS and The DEN. The DEN is located in the lower level of the Jackson Library. The DEN offers tutoring and walk-in academic support. Tutoring is available in large group or small group formats depending on the course. Walk-in support is provided in writing, content specific areas, and general academic study skills. Tutoring services are not guaranteed in all courses. An attempt is made to provide tutoring in all basic education and many specialized courses. Tutoring helps to strengthen a student's basic academic skills and course content knowledege so that he/she experiences improved academic development. Tutors are IWU students recommended by faculty, trained by professional staff, and paid to assist their fellow students. The program is beneficial for the students as well as the faculty. Individual appointments for academic study skills and executive functioning skills may be made in CSS.
Testing services in CSS include the SAT, MAT, CLEP, MCCI, testing accommodations (see "Disability Services") and counseling assessments. Test are scheduled individually.
The CSS also houses a federally funded TRIO SSS program for Residential Campus Undergraduate and SON pre-licensure/TTN students that offers a range of services. The main goal of the program is to provide additional support services necessary to increase college retention and graduation. The program is open to first generation students, low-income students, and students with disabilities.
Counseling services focus on assisting each student in developing skills, abilities, and potential within the academic, social, spiritual, physical, and emotional climate of the campus. Counseling is provided by licensed professional counselors or supervised interns. All counseling is confidential. Personal counseling includes support for psychological and emotional issues, as well as behavioral transitions.
For students with disabilities who are enrolled in CAS, TTN, or Pre-licensure Nursing or OT programs, the CSS works to make programs and facilities available in a non-arbitrary and beneficial manner. The Director of Disability Services is responsible for receiving a request for academic or physical accommodations. The director will work with the student to obtain and review the required documentation and will assign reasonable accommodation based on documentation that supports the student's request. Academic accommodations include, but are not limited to, alternative testing environments, note-taking services, recording lectures, books in alternate format, and adaptive technology.