2016-2017 Catalog



Within the Barnes Student Center there is a variety of campus dining options. The food service contractor provides well-balanced meals at reasonable cost. Those who require specialized dietary meals may contact the food service for consultation.

A standard meal plan is automatically part of a resident student’s room and board contract. Residents may dine in the Baldwin dining room for all their meals but have conversion meal options in the Wildcat Express (food court) as well. During holiday vacations, between semesters, and during spring recess food service is not available.

Commuter students are encouraged to eat their meals in the Baldwin dining room or the Wildcat Express. Commuter students may purchase points that are applied to their ID card and used on a declining balance system. Purchase of $100 or more will receive a bonus of 25% to their account. These may be purchased from the food service office Suite 160 of the Barnes Student Center.

Indiana Weselayan