2021-2022 Catalog



TESOL – Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages

The TESOL major provides specialized instruction in the theory and skills of teaching second language acquisition, equipping students to change the world in a tangible way. The TESOL curriculum includes a rigorous core that covers language/linguistics, language acquisition, TESL/TEFL theory, assessment practices, and cultural awareness and experience. Graduates with a TESOL major should be prepared to teach English to adult speakers of other languages around the world. The education major in TESOL is further designed to add training and specific experience in elementary and secondary schools (see TESOL Education of the catalog).

Foreign Language Requirement (3-12 credits)

All majors will achieve language competency in a modern foreign language in one of the following ways:

1. Earn a score of 3, 4, or 5 on the College Board Advanced Placement examination: a) students who score a 3 will earn 3 credits for Beginning I, and will need to take Beginning II,  Intermediate I, and Intermediate II; b) students who score a 4 will earn 6 credits for Beginning I and Beginning II, and will need to take Intermediate I and Intermediate II;  c) students who score of 5 will earn 9 credits for Beginning I, Beginning II, and Intermediate I, and will need to take Intermediate II.

2. Earn a score of 5, 6, or 7 on an International Baccalaureate Higher Level foreign language exam (equivalent to 12 credit hours).*

3. Take the placement test in a language previously studied (Chinese, French, or Spanish) in order to place into the highest-level language course at IWU for which the student is qualified. Students should take the placement test at registration or within the first semester2, and continue language study,- subsequent courses will vary, depending on the level of language placement. The basic requirement is four courses in a given language through the FL 238 level or a single advanced (300-)** level course (please see specific details as listed below).;

4. Pass the CLEP exam in French, German, or Spanish through the Intermediate I level and take an Intermediate II (238)*** prior to the first semester of junior year or, if completing a Spanish minor, prior to the completion of SPA 349. Students should take the placement exam prior to registering for the CLEP exam.;

5. Pass the ACTFL (American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages) Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI), Writing Proficiency (WPT), Reading Proficiency (RPT) and Listening Proficiency (LTP) exams or other proficiency exam approved by the Division of Modern Language and Literature at the intermediate-mid level for languages not taught in the Foreign Language Department at Indiana Wesleyan University. Students who desire such testing must make this request via the Foreign Language Department during their first academic year at Indiana Wesleyan and take the exams on the dates listed on the exam schedule.**** Students may not take the exam in a language once they have begun to study the language at the university level (including transfer credit or study abroad). Proficiency exams may only be taken twice in a particular language. Students will be responsible for paying all fees associated with their exams.*****

6. Pass the DELE Spanish proficiency exam at the B1 level (http://chicago.cervantes.es/en/diplomas_spanish/diplomas_dele_register_spanish.htm), pass the DELF French proficiency exam at the B1 level (https://www.afchicago.org/delf-dalf), or pass the HSK Mandarin proficiency exam Level 3 or higher (http://www.iupui.edu/~china/courses/chinese-proficency-test/). Students who desire such testing must make this request via the Foreign Language Department during their first academic year at Indiana Wesleyan and take the exams on the dates listed on the official exam schedule.****** Students may not take the exam in a language once they have begun to study the language at the university level (including transfer credit or study abroad). Proficiency exams may only be taken twice in a particular language. Students will be responsible for paying all fees associated with their exams.*******;

7. Earn 12 credits in a foreign language not previously studied. Students may choose between languages currently taught at Indiana Wesleyan University Marion Campus (Chinese, French, or Spanish).;

8. Native speakers of a language other than English may fulfill the requirement by providing proof of proficiency in that language by successful completion of a proficiency exam approved by Foreign Language faculty at the B1 level (see application form). If a student is a native speaker of a language other than English, he/she will likely profit most from either beginning or continuing study of an additional language.;

9. Students with a documented learning disability which affects their ability to process language may petition the Center for Student Success for alternative arrangements for preapproved Foreign Language Substitution courses which meet the Indiana Wesleyan University language requirement. Petitions must include recent documentation from a qualified learning disabilities specialist showing evidence of this language-specific disability and be submitted prior to or during the spring semester of their sophomore year.

Please visit the Division of Modern Language and Literature for the Requirement Pathways for Language Courses at IWU.

* For further information regarding Advanced Placement Credit, please visit: https://www.indwes.edu/undergrduate/admissions/transfer-students/_files/iwu-ap-2016-2017.pdf

**100 level: Beginning I-117, Beginning II-118; 200 level: Intermediate I-237, Intermediate II-238; 300 level: Advanced I-347, Advanced II-349.

*** For more information regarding CLEP credits and Indiana Wesleyan equivalents please visit: https://www.indwes.edu/undergraduate/admissions/transfer-students/_files/iwu-clep-test-2016-2017.pdf

**** Please click the following link https://www.languagetesting.com for further information regarding the ACTFL exams, prices, and test dates.

*****Please click the following link https://www.languagetesting.com for further information regarding the ACTFL exams, prices, and test dates.

****** Please review links for specific dates and exam fees.

******* Fees vary depending on exam.


Requirements (48-57 credits)

Required Courses

INT-220Intercultural Relationships


ENG-170Introduction to Language


GEO-202Political and Cultural Geography


PHL-248Religions of the World


INT-390Intercultural Engagement Seminar


ENG-241Studies in English Grammar


TSL-203Foundations of TESOL


TSL-260TESOL Internship

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TSL-305Second Language Acquisition


TSL-350TESOL Assessment and Testing


TSL-385Practicum in TESOL


TSL-450English Grammar Pedagogy


TSL-481TESOL Capstone


EDU-382TEMethods of Teaching Sr High/Jr High/ Middle School Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages

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Choose one of the following:

WRI-390Teaching Writing: Composition Theory, Pedagogy, and Practice



EDU-245Foundations of Literacy



EDU-354Literacy Methods


Foreign Language (3-12 credits)

Foreign language (3-12)


demonstration of intermediate-level competency

TESOL Electives (6 credits)


ENG-352History of English Language


WRI-165English Language and Composition


WRI-210Theories and Methods of Writing Consultancy

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Any foreign language course (in addition to competency requirement)


COM-280Intercultural Communication


COM-370Symbols and Imaging


TSL-260TESOL Internship

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TSL-368Special Topics in TESOL


TSL-471Research Seminar


EDU-130American Education


EDU-245Foundations of Literacy


(if took EDU 354 instead)

EDU-265Young Adult Literature


EDU-301Management in the 21st Century Classroom


EDU-354Literacy Methods


(if took EDU 245 instead)

The 6 elective credits may be shared with another IWU major, minor or certificate according to the guidelines stated in the catalog.

Indiana Weselayan