2024-2025 Catalog


Graduate Credit Transfer Policy

The policy applies to all graduate programs that accept transfer students at Indiana Wesleyan University.

Transfer of credit will be considered for graduate work completed at institutions accredited by an accrediting agency recognized by both the U.S. Department of Education (ED) and the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA), provided the courses meet institutional requirements and are appropriate for the student's planned and approved program. Any culminating project (e.g., capstone, research, thesis, etc.), clinical, or practicum requirement associated with a graduate program must be taken at Indiana Wesleyan University.

Individual academic units may establish higher standards/conditions as is appropriate for their respective disciplines or accrediting bodies. A minimum grade of "B" may be considered for transfer. No more than 30% of the graduate degree may be transferred in from another institution. The learning outcomes must align and have been completed within the past seven years. Minimal conditions governing the transfer of earned graduate credits to other course work include:

  • Each PAU shall determine the amount of time acceptable of completed work that is eligible for credit transfer.
  • Only graduate courses in which a student has earned a grade of "B" or better may be considered for transfer credit.
  • Hours of credit may be transferred, but grades earned in courses taken at another institution do not transfer and are not used in computing the student's graduate GPA at Indiana Wesleyan University.
  • When a graduate course is taken at another university on a credit/no credit or pass/fail option, hours of "credit" or "pass" are not accepted as transferable unless approved by the appropriate academic unit.
  • For graduate certificate programs, no more than 30% can be transferred into the certificate program.

Occasionally, graduate students will begin their course of study at another institution with no plans to transfer to IWU, but find themselves displaced by a closing institution and unable to complete their degree. In an effort to support displaced students IWU will allow a greater number of transfer credits for graduate programs. All courses will be evaluated by the appropriate academic department. Where applicable transfer credits will be applied to meet IWU degree requirements. A displaced student is an actively enrolled student in degree program offered by an institution that is closing.

Displaced graduate students will be allowed to transfer in up to 75% of program requirements. All transfer credit will be reviewed by the academic department to determine if and how it applies to degree requirements.


Doctoral Exception:

IWU will allow displaced doctoral students to transfer in up to 75% of their course work.  The student must complete at least 15 graduate credit hours at IWU, plus the comprehensive exam and/or final project/dissertation, if applicable.

Indiana Weselayan