2024-2025 Catalog


Orientation, Registration, and Credit Options

New Student Orientation

All incoming full-time undergraduate students are required to participate in New Student Orientation conducted at the beginning of the semester or program. New Student Orientation is designed to familiarize students with Indiana Wesleyan University's campus, culture, and community as well as connect them with faculty, staff, and other incoming students. 

Entrance Examinations

New students may re-take the institutional ACT if they do not have the required minimum ACT or SAT scores to waive the reading and math competencies. Students should inquire in the Center for Student Success office for more information.

Registration Procedures for New and Returning Students

New Student Registration (NSR) occurs in the spring and summer for fall enrollment and by individual appointment for spring enrollment. Once new students are notified by the Admissions Office of their acceptance to Indiana Wesleyan University, the Admission's Office will send information about registration procedures and the appropriate time to come to the campus for advisement in the selection of courses and registration.

Returning students may register for the fall semester in the spring and summer. Registration for the spring semester and all summer sessions (including May term) occurs in the fall. All students are expected to complete their registration during the time set by the Director of Registration & Academic Services for advanced registration or at the specific time established for this purpose in the current calendar. Detailed instructions for registration will be provided on RAS portal page. Arrangements for financial payment, in accord with one of the approved plans for university charges, must be made in advance or at the time of registration. All students must be registered by the first day of classes in any term.

Academic Advising - College of Arts and Sciences

Every student is personally responsible to meet all requirements, including but not limited to stated competencies, grade-point indexes, specified courses, total numbers of credits in each stated area of study, and total number of credits for the degree program identified in the catalog at the time of enrollment.

A Faculty Advisor is assigned to each student, is available at registration periods for advisement on program requirements, and is required to approve the student’s registration. Each student has access to their academic record and degree/major requirements via the portal.

A First-Year Advisor is assigned to each student their first year on the residential campus to help with transitioning into the institution, learning systems, navigating resources, and is available to explain policies, systems, and answer questions.

An advisor in RAS is assigned to each student, in addition to a Faculty Advisor, who earns a probation status or returns on probation.


Transfer Advising

The transfer advisor in Registration & Academic Services helps new transfer students with transfer credits and advising, as well as negotiating their new experience at Indiana Wesleyan University.

Schedule Changes and Withdrawals


Students' class schedules are expected to be permanent by the end of each add/drop period. 

     The last day to add: The final day a student can add a new course to their schedule for a current term. 

     The last day to drop: The final day a student can drop a current course from their schedule for a current term. 

Refer to the academic calendar for specific dates for each terms’ add and drop dates. 

Students who need to switch a course section (such as ENG-180-82A to ENG-180-82B) during the drop period may do so with the approval of their advisor and the faculty member of the new course section with an Add/Drop Form. 

Any desired change in audit registrations follow the same deadlines as previously identified. All drop/add requests made thereafter require a General Academic Petition with the approval of the corresponding Academic Advisor and Division Chair.


Withdrawing from Classes

Withdrawing from classes means that students are withdrawing from one or more course, but not from the entire semester. Any class in which the student withdraws means that a “W” will be transcribed on the academic transcript. 

Up until the tenth week of the semester (or the equivalent of 5/7 or 71% of the course), students may withdraw from a course with a grade of “W.” This should be done only after consultation with academic advisors, the Registration & Academic Services office, and the Financial Aid Office, as reduction of course load below 12 credits may affect eligibility for athletics, scholarships, or financial aid. After this date, students may not withdraw from classes without total withdrawal from the University. Failing work at the time of official withdrawal after the tenth week of the semester may be counted as an "F" in grade-point average.

Withdrawing from the University

Withdrawing from the University means that students are leaving the institution and all courses (that were not previously completed). The student would then have a “W” listed for all classes that were not previously completed with a grade (such as a half-semester course). Withdrawing from the University means that the student will leave the campus and inactivated in institutional systems (unless notified otherwise). 

This date is determined and listed on the academic calendar each semester, being the 13th week of classes. Please review the official academic calendar for the specific date. By the last day to withdraw from the University, students desiring to voluntarily withdraw from all classes at the University must submit a Total Withdrawal form available at the Registration & Academic Services office (RAS) and online via the RAS portal page. This form must be completed and filed with the RAS office before the student leaves campus. No refunds will be made by the Student Account Services, CAS, until RAS certifies that the withdrawal procedure has been completed. A student failing to complete proper withdrawal remains a student and will be charged as such and receive a grade at the end of the semester. Students in University housing who fail to check out of their rooms properly will be subject to an administrative charge. 

Any undergraduate student who is dismissed from IWU-Marion by Student Development will be administratively withdrawn from all classes.

Academic Administrative Withdrawal Policy - CAS

Per policies below, students may be dropped or withdrawn from an individual course(s) or the University. 

If a student registers for a course but does not attend any class sessions of that course by the last day to drop classes, the student may be dropped from the course(s) by the Director of Registration & Academic Services or designee.

If the student does not attend any registered courses by the last day to drop, the student may be dropped or withdrawn from all courses and inactivated in the system by the Director of Registration & Academic Services or designee.

If a student, due to lack of attendance, cannot achieve passing grades in their courses, with or without applicable campus support and/or reasonable accommodation(s), the CARE Team and/or the Academic Standing Subcommittee of the Enrollment Management Committee may recommend to the CAS Vice President of Academic Affairs or designee (and copy the Director of Registration & Academic Services) that the student be administratively withdrawn from the institution during the academic semester and will receive a "W" in all classes. Additionally, if a student does not adhere to University policy and community standards in the classroom, the CARE Team may recommend to the CAS Vice President of Academic Affairs or designee to have the student withdrawn from all courses (and the residential campus). Students should be aware that this action (administrative withdrawal) may have an impact on financial aid, enrollment issues related to verification for insurance, athletic competition, and access to some IWU facilities.


Intent to Depart

Students who intend to depart from the university for the subsequent semester(s) should complete the Notification of Student Intent to Depart form. Students should inform the Registration & Academic Services office by completing and filing this form available on the RAS portal page.

Leave of Absence

Full-time degree seeking students may request a Leave of Absence (LOA) in certain circumstances to preserve their current catalog rights and possibly provide positive implications for financial obligations such as loan repayment, and health and car insurance.

Types of Leave of Absence:

  1. Medical Leave of Absence - LOA petition must be accompanied by a statement from a medical care provider verifying the need for the LOA.
  2. Personal Leave of Absence - petition must include a plan for addressing personal or family issues that lead to the successful completion of the student's academic program.
  3. Planned Educational Leave of Absence - petition must include plans for enriching educational goals that lead to the successful completion of the student's academic program. These plans can include participation in non IWU-supported study abroad experiences, no IWU-supported internships, or short term missions or service programs.

Leave of Absence petitions are available in the Registration & Academic Services office and must be completed and approved before the "drop" deadline for the term in which the LOA is requested. Medical and certain unplanned for LOA requests may be considered retroactively or after the "drop" deadline based on the individual circumstances. LOA appeals must be filed and approved by the Dean of the school in which the student's major is under before the end of the term for which the LOA is requested.

A Leave of Absence will not be approved for students who are subject to academic dismissal or student conduct dismissal.

Students who do not return to Indiana Wesleyan University by the end of their approved LOA will be considered to have withdrawn from IWU at the end of their last term of regular enrollment.

International students should work with the international student coordinator in the Admissions Office when contemplating a planned LOA as there are Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services regulations regarding the status of international students.

In order to maintain catalog rights under the LOA petition, students must receive prior approval from the Registration & Academic Services office for coursework taken at other institutions for transfer to IWU. Failure to do so could result in failure of the coursework to transfer, or loss of current catalog rights.

Students on LOA may not participate in or be registered for any IWU coursework during the LOA time period including incomplete courses, independent learning contracts, and online courses.

Student work positions, divisional stipends, and leadership positions are not guaranteed upon return and must be reapplied for.

It is unlikely that there will be any financial aid benefit for the student who takes LOA. All questions regarding financial aid must be discussed with the student's financial aid counselor.

Students should consult with Student Account Services, CAS and the Financial Aid Office to discuss any financial ramifications of a LOA.

Returning from a Leave of Absence:

A student may choose to return from a LOA earlier than planned but must return on the first day of classes for the semester. When students return from a LOA, either on time or early, they may request reinstatement through the Admissions Office by completing the re-enrollment form before the first day of new term. Students must notify the Registration & Academic Services office of their intent to return before the end of the term previous to the expected date of return. Undergraduate students who are on Academic or Citizenship Probation status when they take a LOA will return with the same status.

Study Abroad students who use a LOA to attend unaffiliated programs should be aware that there is no guarantee of academic credit at IWU and must apply for such under transfer policy guidelines.

Military Leave of Absence

The Higher Education Opportunity Act enacted on August 13, 2008, states that a university may not deny admission or readmission to a service member for reasons relating to that service.  The service member qualifies if the school is given notice of absence for service, the cumulative length of absence does not exceed five years, and the student gives notice of his or her intent to return.

Indiana Wesleyan University complies with this act with the following:


  • Students are not required to reapply and are not charged a readmission fee upon return.
  • Students are reenrolled at the same academic status (program enrollment status, number of completed credit hours, academic standing) before deployment. Students may return under the catalog that was in effect before deployment. Students may find differences in their programs or the catalog if the programs are no longer offered, or changes have occurred due to external accrediting bodies, licensing board or other external agencies.
  • Leave time does not count toward the total time required to earn the degree.
  • Students will be promptly reenrolled in the next class or classes in a program, will qualify for priority/early registration, and may not be denied re-enrollment in a class based on class size.

Financial: Students are required to complete a Military Leave of Absence Request. When the request is approved, students' accounts will be adjusted as necessary.

Financial Aid: Indiana Wesleyan University is committed to assisting military students in navigating the impact that active duty will have on financial aid. It is important that each student have conversations with the Financial Aid office to ensure proper paperwork and processes are covered as it relates to a leave of absence.

Students with federal financial aid, federal loan obligations, or military tuition assistance must contact their lenders and/or the military education office to ascertain their loan repayment status or repayment of tuition assistance during the leave of absence.



Transfer of Credit Policy

Recognized academic credentials and academic credit-hours earned outside of IWU may be used to fulfill the entrance requirements and/or course requirements for IWU academic programs and may provide advanced standing entry into IWU academic programs within the following boundaries.  

The University Registrar is responsible for approving the transferability of all credit-hours.  Credit-hours accepted in transfer are recorded as part of the student's official academic record, but quality points and grades are omitted.  Grades from transfer courses are not included in IWU GPA calculations except in determining honors for baccalaureate degrees.  IWU is not permitted to release received transcripts, test scores, or other academic documents to the student or any other party.  All credit-hours are accepted as semester credit-hours; quarter credit-hours are converted to semester credit-hours using a two-thirds conversion ratio. 

Credit is granted for undergraduate course work with a satisfactory grade (“C” or above) in a 100-level or higher course, or for graduate course work with a satisfactory grade (“B” or above) in a 500-level course or higher, taken at a college or university that is accredited by an accrediting agency recognized by both the U.S. Department of Education (ED) and the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA).  Currently this includes the following accrediting agencies:


  • Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN)
  • Association for Biblical Higher Education (ABHE)
  • Association of Advanced Rabbinical and Talmudic Schools (AARTS)
  • Association of Theological Schools Commission on Accrediting (ATS)
  • Distance Education Accreditation Commission (DEAC)
  • Higher Learning Commission (HLC)
  • Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE)
  • New England Commission of Higher Education (NECHE)
  • Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities (NWCCU)
  • Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACS-COC)
  • Transnational Association of Christian Colleges and Schools (TRACS)
  • Western Association of Schools and Colleges – Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges (WASC–ACCJC)
  • Western Association of Schools and Colleges – Senior College and University Commission (WASC–SCUC)

IWU also receives credit from schools accredited by agencies recognized by the International Council for Evangelical Theological Education:

  •  Africa: Association for Christian Theological Education in Africa (ACTEA)
  •  Asia: Asia Theological Association (ATA)
  • Caribbean: Caribbean Evangelical Theological Association (CETA)
  •  Europe: European Council for Theological Education (ECTE)
  •  Euro-Asia: Euro-Asian Accrediting Association (E-AAA)
  •  Latin America: Association for Evangelical Theological Education in Latin America (AETAL)
  •  Middle East and North Africa: Middle East-North Africa Association for Theological Education (MENATE)
  • North America: Association for Biblical Higher Education (ABHE)

No more than 75% of the requirements for an IWU undergraduate degree or certificate and no more than 50% of the coursework in the major may be satisfied by transfer.  Any culminating project (capstone, research, thesis, etc.), clinical, or practicum requirement associated with a degree or certificate program must be taken at Indiana Wesleyan University.  No more than 35% of a graduate degree or certificate program may be satisfied by transfer credit.  Graduate credit-hours graded credit/no credit or pass/fail at another institution may not be transferred in unless approved by the academic unit.  Transfer credit-hours applied to the major curriculum of the academic program must be academically current as determined by the academic unit and may be restricted by the academic unit based on curricular considerations or the requirements of programmatic accreditation.  Individual academic units may specify exceptions as appropriate for their respective disciplines or accrediting bodies.

Transcripts from international institutions may need to be sent to an external agency for evaluation and determination of transferable credit-hours, degrees, and GPA.  If this external review is necessary, students are responsible for the initiation of this evaluation and for any fees incurred during the process.  

Indiana Wesleyan University accepts credit through official transcripts from the American Council on Education (ACE) and the National College Credit Recommendation Service (NCCRS).  ACE and NCCRS evaluate and provide credit recommendations for educational offerings for a significant number of corporate universities and other learning providers.

Credit through examination (CLEP, DSST, AP, institutional examinations) or assessed learning is not accepted in transfer from another institution.  Credit through examination is awarded by Indiana Wesleyan University with official test scores from an official testing center.  Credit from nontraditional learning by life experience is awarded through the IWU's assessed learning process.

Courses from non-accredited colleges and universities and from schools/colleges/universities not accredited at the same level, such as proprietary business schools, vocational/technical schools, or other single purpose institutions may be presented through the prior learning assessment process. Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) includes an evaluation of a student’s prior learning experiences.  IWU relies on industry best practices established by organizations like the Council for Adult and Experiential Learning (CAEL) which has served as a leader in the development and implementation of assessment for experiential learning and corporate training since 1974. Students are required to submit through the student portal appropriate documentation which clearly demonstrates academically relevant learning.  The number of credit-hours awarded through various examinations (CLEP, DSST, AP, AICE, etc.) plus prior learning assessment shall be limited to a total of 40 semester credit-hours for baccalaureate degrees and 18 semester credit-hours for associate degrees.  Prior learning assessment is not available for graduate credit, with the exception that graduate programs may specify specific learning experiences for which credit may be granted for specific courses through petition.  The Indiana Wesleyan University Honesty, Cheating, Plagiarism, and Forgery Policy applies to all Prior Learning Assessment requests and submissions.

Displaced Students

School closures sometimes displace students near the completion of their studies.  Special provision is made for such displaced students, allowing them to transfer-in a larger percentage of credit-hours toward an IWU degree.  Special provisions may be articulated in a teach-out agreement between IWU and the closing school.  Unless otherwise specified in a teach-out agreement, all normal rules governing transfer credit apply with the following exceptions.
For displaced degree-seeking undergraduate students, 85% of an IWU degree may be satisfied through transfer credit-hours.
For displaced graduate students, 75% of program requirements may be satisfied through transfer credit-hours. 

  •  For programs of 18 credit-hours - students must take 4 credit-hours from IWU
  •  For programs of 24 credit-hours - students must take 6 credit-hours from IWU
  •  For programs of 30 credit-hours - students must take 7 credit-hours from IWU
  •  For programs of 33 credit-hours - students must take 8 credit-hours from IWU
  •  For programs of 36 credit-hours - students must take 9 credit-hours from IWU
  •  For programs of 42 credit-hours - students must take 10 credit-hours from IWU

Displaced doctoral students must complete 15 credit-hours plus any comprehensive final exams or culminating projects (dissertation, etc.) at IWU. 





Graduate Credit Transfer Policy

The policy applies to all graduate programs that accept transfer students at Indiana Wesleyan University.

Transfer of credit will be considered for graduate work completed at institutions accredited by an accrediting agency recognized by both the U.S. Department of Education (ED) and the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA), provided the courses meet institutional requirements and are appropriate for the student's planned and approved program. Any culminating project (e.g., capstone, research, thesis, etc.), clinical, or practicum requirement associated with a graduate program must be taken at Indiana Wesleyan University.

Individual academic units may establish higher standards/conditions as is appropriate for their respective disciplines or accrediting bodies. A minimum grade of "B" may be considered for transfer. No more than 30% of the graduate degree may be transferred in from another institution. The learning outcomes must align and have been completed within the past seven years. Minimal conditions governing the transfer of earned graduate credits to other course work include:

  • Each PAU shall determine the amount of time acceptable of completed work that is eligible for credit transfer.
  • Only graduate courses in which a student has earned a grade of "B" or better may be considered for transfer credit.
  • Hours of credit may be transferred, but grades earned in courses taken at another institution do not transfer and are not used in computing the student's graduate GPA at Indiana Wesleyan University.
  • When a graduate course is taken at another university on a credit/no credit or pass/fail option, hours of "credit" or "pass" are not accepted as transferable unless approved by the appropriate academic unit.
  • For graduate certificate programs, no more than 30% can be transferred into the certificate program.

Occasionally, graduate students will begin their course of study at another institution with no plans to transfer to IWU, but find themselves displaced by a closing institution and unable to complete their degree. In an effort to support displaced students IWU will allow a greater number of transfer credits for graduate programs. All courses will be evaluated by the appropriate academic department. Where applicable transfer credits will be applied to meet IWU degree requirements. A displaced student is an actively enrolled student in degree program offered by an institution that is closing.

Displaced graduate students will be allowed to transfer in up to 75% of program requirements. All transfer credit will be reviewed by the academic department to determine if and how it applies to degree requirements.


Doctoral Exception:

IWU will allow displaced doctoral students to transfer in up to 75% of their course work.  The student must complete at least 15 graduate credit hours at IWU, plus the comprehensive exam and/or final project/dissertation, if applicable.

Undergraduate and Graduate Credit Crossover Policy

Undergraduate credit-hours may be used to fulfill requirements of IWU graduate programs under the following provisions.  When permitted by the design of the program, undergraduate credit-hours from upper level courses may be counted toward the requirements of a graduate degree or certificate when the undergraduate course(s) sufficiently accomplish the learning outcomes of a course in the graduate program. The course(s) must have been completed within the past five years and must reflect current knowledge and best practices. No more than 25% of the total credit requirements for the graduate degree or certificate may be completed through undergraduate credit-hours.  Undergraduate courses in which a student has earned a “B” or better may be considered for graduate credit.  Dual counting of credit-hours requires approval by the appropriate program leader, in consultation with a graduate level content expert, as well as approval by the University Registrar, and Financial Aid Office if applicable. The program leader will make the final decision as to the applicability of undergraduate courses to fulfill graduate program learning outcomes.  Established limits on the number of credit-hours that may be transferred into the graduate program remain in effect.

Graduate level credit-hours may be used to fulfill requirements of IWU undergraduate programs under the following provisions.  When permitted by the design of the program, graduate credit-hours may be counted toward the requirements of an undergraduate degree or certificate when the graduate course(s) sufficiently accomplish the learning outcomes of a course in the undergraduate program. The course(s) must have been completed within the past five years and must reflect current knowledge and best practices. No more than 25% of the total credit requirements for the undergraduate major, minor, or certificate may be completed through graduate credit-hours.  Though exceptions may be approved by program directors, graduate courses in which a student has earned a “B” or better may be considered for undergraduate credit.  Dual counting of credit-hours requires approval by the appropriate program leader, in consultation with a graduate level content expert, as well as approval by the University Registrar, and Financial Aid Office if applicable.  The program leader will make the final decision as to the applicability of graduate course(s) to fulfill undergraduate program learning outcomes.  Established limits on the number of credit-hours that may be transferred into the undergraduate program remain in effect. 



Policy on Academic Credentials and Programs

This policy applies to all academic units of the university.  It is of interest to all faculty, academic administrators, program directors, and staff of the office of the University Registrar.

Indiana Wesleyan University awards academic credentials (degrees and certificates) to students who complete defined programs of study.  Each credential is defined in terms of a set of essential learning outcomes, which may include discipline-specific and general education outcomes, as well as credit-hour and other specifications.  Each program of study for a particular credential maps the credential learning outcomes to a series of credit-bearing courses.  Student performance in each course, credit-hours earned in each course, and credentials awarded are transcripted by the University Registrar.

As appropriate, given the learning outcomes and alignment of involved programs and courses, credit-hours may be shared between academic credentials awarded concurrently, within the following boundaries.  Credentials earned concurrently must be awarded concurrently – students must apply for all credentials appropriate to their current matriculation prior to conferral and credentials reflecting coursework solely from prior matriculation will not be added to the transcript.  

  1. The student must fulfill all of the requirements for any credential awarded.
  2. Credit-hours may be shared between a major and a minor, as long as the minor includes at least 15 unique credit-hours unshared with any other major or minor. 
  3. Credit-hours may be shared between two minors, as long as each minor includes at least 15 unique credit-hours unshared with any other major or minor.
  4. Credit-hours may be shared between two undergraduate majors as long as there are 51 unique (unduplicated) credit hours between the two majors.
  5. Credit-hours may be shared between two graduate majors or specializations as long as two thirds of the credit-hours in each major or specialization are unique (unduplicated).
  6. Up to three credit hours may be shared between:
    1. certificate and a minor
    2. a certificate and a concentration/specialization
    3. two certificates
    4. two specializations/concentrations
  7. Unlimited credit-hours may be shared between a certificate and a major (undergraduate or graduate) as long as the certificate and the major do not share the same name.  Exceptions to this provision for specific certificates and majors may be published in the catalog.  Check degree program requirements for eligibility for combining the major with specific certificates.
  8. Two distinct undergraduate degrees (associate’s and/or bachelor’s) may be conferred together as long as each degree includes at least 25% unique (unshared) credit-hours.  Each degree must have a unique, stand-alone major.
  9. Two distinct graduate degrees (master’s, specialist, and/or doctoral) may be conferred together as long as each degree includes at least 50% unique (unshared) credit-hours.  Each degree must have a unique, stand-alone major.
  10. An undergraduate and a graduate degree may be conferred together as long as 75% of the credit-hours of each degree are unique (unshared).  See the related Undergraduate and Graduate Credit Crossover Policy.

A major, minor, or specialization/concentration may be added to a previously awarded baccalaureate or graduate degree.  The student must complete all of the course requirements for the major, minor, or specialization/concentration and a minimum of nine new credit-hours must be earned.  New general education requirements need not be met to post an additional major, minor, or specialization/concentration to a previously awarded undergraduate degree. Students adding a major, minor, or specialization/concentration are not eligible to participate in commencement ceremonies again. The additional major, minor, or specialization/concentration will be posted to the transcript only on one of the university conferral dates.

As appropriate, given the learning outcomes and alignment of involved programs and courses, credit-hours applied to a previously-awarded IWU academic credential may be applied, without surrender of the prior credential, to another IWU academic credential within the following boundaries.

  1. The student must fulfill all of the requirements for any credential awarded.
  2. For credit-hours from a prior IWU academic credential to be applied to a second IWU academic credential, the second academic program must be started within ten years of the awarding of the first credential.  Exceptions must be approved by the dean (or equivalent) of the school sponsoring the academic program of the second credential.  Individual academic programs may specify more strict credit-age limits if warranted by the discipline.
  3. Credit-hours from a previously-awarded undergraduate certificate may be applied to fulfill the requirements of an associate’s degree or a bachelor’s degree.
  4. Up to 3 credit-hours from a previously-awarded undergraduate certificate may be applied to fulfill the requirements of a different undergraduate certificate.
  5. Up to 6 credit-hours from a previously-awarded associate’s degree or bachelor’s degree may be applied to fulfill the requirements of an undergraduate certificate.
  6. Credit-hours from a previously-awarded associate’s degree may be applied to fulfill the requirements of a different associate’s degree, as long as the new associate’s degree has at least 25% unique credit-hours.
  7. Credit-hours from a previously-awarded associate’s degree may be applied to fulfill the requirements of a bachelor’s degree.
  8. Credit-hours from a previously-awarded bachelor’s degree may be applied to fulfill the requirements of a different bachelor’s degree, as long as the new bachelor’s degree has at least 25% unique credit-hours.
  9. Credit-hours from a previously-awarded bachelor’s degree or undergraduate certificate may be applied to fulfill the requirements of a master’s degree, limited by the provisions of the Undergraduate and Graduate Credit Crossover Policy.
  10. Up to 3 credit-hours from a previously-awarded graduate certificate or post-master’s certificate may be applied to fulfill the requirements of a different graduate or post-master’s certificate.
  11. Credit-hours from a previously-awarded graduate certificate or post-master’s certificate may be applied to fulfill the requirements of a master’s degree.
  12. Credit-hours from a previously-awarded graduate certificate or post-master’s certificate may be applied to fulfill the requirements of a specialist degree.
  13. Credit-hours from a previously-awarded graduate certificate or post-master’s certificate may be applied to fulfill the requirements of a doctor’s degree.
  14. Credit-hours from a previously-awarded master’s degree, specialist degree, or doctor’s degree may be applied to fulfill up to 1/3 of the requirements of a graduate or post-master’s certificate.
  15. Credit-hours from a previously-awarded master’s degree may be applied to fulfill the requirements of a different master’s degree, as long as the new master’s degree has at least 50% unique credit-hours.
  16. Credit-hours from a previously-awarded master’s degree may be applied to fulfill the requirements of a specialist degree, as long as the specialist degree has at least 50% unique credit-hours.
  17. Credit-hours from a previously-awarded master’s degree may be applied to fulfill the requirements of a doctor’s degree, as long as the doctor’s degree has at least 50% unique credit-hours.
  18. Up to 6 credit-hours from a previously-awarded specialist degree may be applied to fulfill the requirements of a master’s degree.
  19. Credit-hours from a previously-awarded specialist degree may be applied to fulfill the requirements of a different specialist degree, as long as the new specialist degree has at least 50% unique credit-hours.
  20. Credit-hours from a previously-awarded specialist degree may be applied to fulfill the requirements of a doctoral degree, as long as the doctoral degree has at least 50% unique credit-hours.
  21. Up to 6 credit-hours from a previously-awarded doctor’s degree may be applied to fulfill the requirements of a master’s degree or specialist degree.
  22. Credit-hours from a previously-awarded doctor’s degree may be applied to fulfill the requirements of a different doctor’s degree, as long as the new doctor’s degree has at least 50% unique credit-hours.  


Credit Options

Classroom Study

The most common way to earn credit in the College of Arts and Sciences is by registering in the semester programs of the University, attending classes under the instruction of a university professor, submitting the required work, and passing the required examinations.


Online courses are provided to undergraduate students as a supplement to the on-site, face-to-face, classroom experience. IWU-Marion offers online course options for undergraduate students during all class terms. During the Fall and Spring semesters, full-time students are allowed to enroll in a maximum of one (1) IWU-Marion online course. Additional stipulations may apply e.g. Military/Veterans benefits, On-campus housing, international students, enrollment limitations, etc. Students should speak with their academic advisor and check the course catalog in Student Planning for a course schedule. 


Students who have attended other regionally accredited colleges or universities may transfer credit toward their education at IWU. Transcripts of all other university work must be submitted directly to the Indiana Wesleyan University Registration and Academic Services office from the office of the registrar at the college or University previously attended. Transcripts delivered by hand or received from another party are not official and cannot be used for purposes of transfer work.

Credit taken by correspondence from a regionally accredited institution may be applied toward a degree at Indiana Wesleyan University, for a maximum of 12 semester hours accepted.

Credits from unaccredited schools, colleges and universities and from schools/colleges/universities not accredited by recognized accredited agencies–such as proprietary business schools, vocational/technical schools, or other single purpose institutions may be assessed individually for possible credit. The number of credits transferable from such institutions will be limited to two years (62 semester hours).

Credits earned from international institutions will need to be evaluated by having official transcripts sent to Registration & Academic Services in English. External evaluators are the Educational Credential Evaluators (ECE) and the National Association of Credential Evaluation Services (NACES) may be required before Registration & Academic Services can evaluate the transcript. For more information about this organization, please visit their website (https://www.ece.org/) or (http://www.naces.org).

CLEP/DSST Examinations

Credit through examination (CLEP/DANTES/Advanced Placement) may only be awarded with official test scores from an official testing center and an Indiana Wesleyan University individual assessment. The maximum number of credits awarded for all credit through various examinations (CLEP, DANTES, AP, AICE, etc.) and prior learning shall be limited to a total of 40 semester hours for the baccalaureate degrees and 18 semester hours for the associate degrees, and ordinarily will not be applied to upper-division requirements in the major (junior and senior levels). It is the responsibility of the student to obtain approval from the appropriate division for the application of credits to the majors.

Examinations can be scheduled through The Center for Student Success (CSS) after approval from the Registration & Academic Services office. A $25 per credit hour transcription fee will be assessed, in addition to the CSS testing fee. Select CLEP examinations are recognized by the University for credit; however, the College of Arts and Sciences may not accept all CLEP tests, including the College Composition Modular CLEP test.


Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate, AICE Cambridge

Select Advanced Placement (AP) courses are evaluated as equivalent to university freshman-level courses and appropriate credit will be given for scores of 3 or above. See the Registration & Academic Services (RAS) portal page for details on placement scores.

AP credit for these courses will not meet intercultural competency.

Credit may be awarded for successful completion of some courses through the International Baccalaureate (IB) programs or AICE Cambridge courses. The maximum number of credits awarded for all credit through various examinations (CLEP, DANTES, AP, AICE, etc.) and prior learning shall be limited to a total of 40 semester hours for the baccalaureate degrees and 18 semester hours for the associate degrees, and ordinarily will not be applied to upper-division requirements in the major (junior and senior levels). Scores of 5 or higher are required for such credit to be accepted for IB and a passing score for AICE Cambridge based on a course by course evaluation. Credit may only be awarded with official scores and an IWU individual assessment.

Assessment – Prior Learning/Portfolio

Credit from non-traditional learning by life experience may only be awarded with an Indiana Wesleyan University individual prior learning assessment. Credit will be determined through the assessment and approval process. Students with life experience education may have developed a body of information equivalent to university-level learning. This may be work experience, hours earned at non-accredited institutions, or other non-transcripted learning. After a student has been admitted into a major and has accumulated at least 12 classroom credits, assessment of such learning may be attempted. The maximum number of credits awarded for all credit through various examinations (CLEP, DANTES, AP, AICE, etc.) and prior learning shall be limited to a total of 40 semester hours for the baccalaureate degrees and 18 semester hours for the associate degrees, and ordinarily will not be applied to upper-division requirements in the major (junior and senior levels). Guidelines and fees information is available in the Registration and Academic Services office.

Independent Learning Contract

The academic independent learning contract will be reserved for those special studies that a student desires to pursue that are not available through any of the courses in our catalog. Independent learning contracts are a privilege extended to degree-seeking junior and senior students. The student contracts with a faculty member, who then helps construct the syllabus and who meets with the student at least once a week to make sure they are staying on track. The student pays an extra fee ($100/credit).

Undergraduate students who have earned a 3.0 cumulative GPA, have met the university writing competency requirement, have completed all course prerequisites, and have earned a minimum of 60 credit hours may apply for independent learning. Undergraduate students on academic probation may not participate in independent learning. Students who wish to take an independent learning course should work closely with the professor of the course and Registration and Academic Services to complete the specific paperwork and comply with the following:

  • No more than six credit hours may be earned by independent learning during the student's academic career at IWU.
  • No more than one independent learning course may be taken per semester.
  • Courses with a 180 number may not be taken by independent learning.
  • Students may not take an incomplete grade in an independent learning course.
  • Independent learning may not be used to repeat a failing course.

All coursework is expected to be completed by the end of the semester in which the course is attempted. If medical or other extenuating circumstances arise that prevent a student from completing all coursework in that semester, a professor may, at his or her discretion, award a grade of "I" (incomplete). See full incomplete policy for additional information on the RAS portal page.

Additionally, students may pursue completion of studies through the additional types of courses as follows:

  • Alternative course offering are courses that are in the catalog, but that are not on the schedule because the course did not fill or was not planned for this semester. It might also be needed for a student who has two required courses that are both offered only at the same time. The student would need to present compelling justification for why they could not just wait and take the course at a later time. There would be no extra fee to the student. 
  • Special topics course is often a new course that a department is running as a trial to determine demand. A course number of 396 in a specific subject code, titled Special Topics in that subject, is available for students to pursue with appropriate approvals.
  • Faculty/student research course. Every subject has a course number of 495 and a course title of Research in "specific subject". These are faculty/student cooperative research projects in which the faculty and student are working together.


A student who has been accepted into an Indiana Wesleyan University degree program or as an unclassified student may choose to audit specified courses as follows:

  • Audit registration is allowed on a space available basis. Undergraduate students may not register under this category until after the first day of class and must have the approval of the class instructor.
  • The current audit fee per credit hour must accompany the registration.
  • Auditing a course gives one the right to attend the course. No credit or letter grade is given. The course will be indicated as an "AU" on the student's IWU transcript.
  • The student auditing the course is not expected to participate in classroom or study group assignments or to complete homework, quizzes, or tests.
  • The faculty for the course is under no obligation to grade any work an auditing student chooses to submit or to give feedback on progress.
  • The materials required for the course are optional for auditing students.
  • The student must meet course prerequisites or be approved by the appropriate administrator of the specific college/school.
  • No change may be made from audit to credit, or credit to audit after registration closes.
  • Forms for admission to audit classes are available in the Admissions Office.

International Education Programs

As an educational institution, Indiana Wesleyan University has been rooted locally in Marion, IN for over a century, but our scope extends nationally and internationally as we develop students in character, scholarship, and leadership, and equip them to change the world for Christ.

The CAS Academic Affairs Office embodies IWU's mission and global vision by offering a variety of International Education Programs, including Education Abroad Programs for students, faculty, and staff, and Education and Exchange Programs for international students and scholars. 

(1) Education Abroad Programs for Students, Faculty, and Staff

Education Abroad programs are approved according to academic policies, procedures, and structures, and they are reviewed regularly to ensure that learning outcomes are being met appropriately. Education Abroad programs are also approved by the IWU Risk Management Office to ensure international travel, health, and safety precautions are being followed. IWU adheres to the standards of good practice for education abroad as defined by the Forum on Education Abroad (www.forumea.org). For more specific information regarding Education Abroad programs, polices, and procedures, contact the CAS Academic Affairs Office.

Education abroad programs include:

  • Travel Classes:
    Courses taught by IWU faculty that take place in an international location
  • Intercultural Fieldtrips:
    Off-campus credit-bearing experiences led by IWU faculty as part of a semester-long course in an international location
  • International Internships, Student Teaching, and Practicum Experiences:
    Independent experiences that fulfill program requirements in an international location
  • Global Service-Learning Teams:
    Opportunities to serve and learn with a team led by IWU faculty/staff in an international location (not credit-bearing, but include student learning outcomes, and may satisfy the “Intercultural Experience” general education requirement)
  • Summer/Semester Abroad Programs:
    A series of credit-bearing courses that are taken in an international location under the guidance of IWU faculty and/or affiliate program providers. The following are approved Summer/Semester Abroad Programs:
  • Au Sable Institute for Environmental Studies (Great Lakes and Pacific Rim) - www.ausable.org
  • Azusa Pacific University (Los Angeles, CA) - www.apu.edu/laterm
  • BCA Barcelona (Barcelona, Spain) - www.bcanet.org
  • Contemporary Music Center (Nashville, TN) - https://www.cmcnashville.com
  • Creation Care Study Program (Belize, Central America, New Zealand) - www.creationcsp.org
  • Ecuador Semester - Taylor University (Cuenca, Ecuador) - www.taylor.edu
  • Gordon College in Orvieto (Orvieto, Italy) - www.gordon.edu/inorvieto
  • Houghton in Tanzania (Tanzania, Africa) - www.houghton.edu
  • Irish Studies Program - Taylor University (Greystones, Ireland) - www.taylor.edu
  • IWU Haiti Program – Division of Pre-Licensure Nursing (La Gonave, Haiti) – www.indwes.edu
  • IWU Summer in Israel – School of Theology and Ministry – www.indwes.edu
  • IWU Zambia Program – Division of Pre-Licensure Nursing (Choma, Zambia) - www.indwes.edu
  • The King’s College NYC Semester Program (New York, NY) – www.tkc.edu/nycs
  • L.A. Film Studies Center (Hollywood, CA) - https://www.olivet.edu/lafsc 
  • LCC International University (Klaipeda, Lithuania) - www.lcc.lt/study-abroad-lithuania
  • Scholarship & Christianity in Oxford (Summer) (Oxford, England) - https://cccuglobaled.org/scio-summer/ 
  • Scholarship & Christianity in Oxford (Semester) (Oxford, England) - https://www.cccuglobaled.org/scio/ 
  • Semester in Costa Rica (San Jose, Costa Rica) - www.stint.com
  • Trinity Christian College Semester in Spain (Sevilla, Spain) - www.semesterinspain.org
  • Uganda Studies Program (Mukona, Uganda) - https://www.ugandastudiesprogram.org 

(2) Education and Exchange Programs for International Students and Scholars

As an emerging global Christian university, the residential campus of IWU in Marion, IN is a place where international students and scholars desire to reside in order to pursue their academic goals. In an effort to support these international students and scholars, the CAS Academic Affairs Office collaborates with divisions, schools, and offices, in a number of ways, including: international student/faculty/staff recruitment and retention efforts; international student advising for students enrolled in The Bridge Program; and strategic partnership development with international schools. The International Student and Scholar Programs we currently offer include:

  • Cultural Immersion Program:
    A cultural exchange experience for international high school students that takes place on the IWU-Marion campus
  • Semester Abroad @ IWU Program:
    A cross-cultural learning experience for international college students on the IWU-Marion campus
  • Visiting Scholars Program:
    Opportunities for international educators to engage in professional development and interaction with faculty on the IWU-Marion campus

Cooperative Programs

Indiana Wesleyan University cooperates with various business, church, educational, and social agencies in the community and beyond to make special facilities available to enrich the programs offered to students.

Taylor University and Indiana Wesleyan University cooperate by allowing certain courses (a limit of one per fall or spring semester) to be available for full-time students from both institutions. Although there is no extra charge for the courses in this exchange, the students are responsible for their own transportation between campuses and for payment of any fees beyond tuition. Students may take a total of four classes through this program. Please contact the Registrar's Office for details.

LeTourneau University and Indiana Wesleyan University participate in an articulation agreement guaranteeing that students who satisfactorily complete the stated requirements at IWU will be admitted as engineering students at LeTourneau University with academic credit for their IWU courses. For additional information see the School of Physical and Applied Sciences.

Indiana Weselayan