2024-2025 Catalog


Student Life and the Co-Curriculum


The Indiana Wesleyan University mission statement emphasizes the development of students in character, scholarship, and leadership. The emphasis of the Co-Curriculum team is to help students achieve growth in the environment outside of the formal academic setting. We desire to walk alongside students as they discover their life calling, provide meaningful and diverse experiences, and develop transferrable skills through a variety of opportunities. We recognize that Curricular and Co-Curricular learning must be integrated for transformational learning, and we work to create experiences and an environment in which every student can grow and be confident in their decision to attend Indiana Wesleyan University.

Academic, Counseling, Disability and Testing Services

The Center for Student Success (CSS) offers wholistic services to help students thrive and succeed in academics and relationships. These services are designed around a Christ-centered student growth model to encourage student success in the classroom and in life. Academic services include training in study skills, organization, and time management. Support is also provided to discuss basic skills necessary for achieving higher levels of academic performance. These services are provided within CSS and The Learning Center. The Learning Center is located in the lower level of the Jackson Library. Tutoring is available in large group or small group formats depending on the course. Walk-in support is provided for general academic study skills. Tutoring services are not guaranteed in all courses. An attempt is made to provide tutoring in all general education and many specialized courses. Tutoring helps to strengthen a student's basic academic skills and course content knowledge so that he/she experiences improved academic development. Tutors are IWU students recommended by faculty, trained by professional staff, and paid to assist their fellow students. The program is beneficial for the students as well as the faculty. Individual appointments for academic study skills and executive functioning skills may be made on the CSS Student Portal page or in the CSS office.

CLEP Testing and Disability Accommodated Testing is also proctored in CSS.

CSS also houses a federally funded TRIO SSS program for Residential Campus undergraduate students. The main goal of the program is to provide additional support services necessary to increase college retention and graduation. The program is open to first generation students, low-income students, and students with disabilities.

Counseling services focus on assisting each student in developing skills, abilities, and potential within the academic, social, spiritual, physical, and emotional climate of the campus. Counseling is provided by licensed professional counselors or supervised interns either face-to-face or through a tele-counseling partnership with TimelyMD. All counseling is confidential. Personal counseling includes support for psychological and emotional issues, as well as behavioral transitions. Counseling is available for IWU Marion students. 

For students with disabilities who are enrolled in any IWU program CSS works to make programs and facilities available in a non-arbitrary and beneficial manner. The Director of Accessibility and Accommodations is responsible for receiving a request for academic or physical accommodations. The director will work with the student to obtain and review the required documentation and will assign reasonable accommodation based on documentation that supports the student's request. Academic accommodations include, but are not limited to, alternative testing environments, note-taking services, recording lectures, books in alternate format, and adaptive technology.


The Indiana Wesleyan University athletic program is an integral part of the institution’s total education program, subject to the same aims, policies, and objectives as other institutional programs. The four core values of the Department of Intercollegiate Athletics are Spiritual Growth, Academic Achievement, Leadership Development, and Athletic Excellence.

The Wildcat men compete in intercollegiate baseball, basketball, bowling, cross country, football, golf, soccer, swimming, tennis, and track and field. Memberships are held in the NAIA (National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics), the Crossroads League, and the Mid-States Football Association. Associate membership is held in the Mid-South Conference.

The Wildcat women compete in intercollegiate basketball, bowling, cross country, golf, soccer, softball, swimming, tennis, track and field, and volleyball. Memberships are held in the NAIA (National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics) and the Crossroads League. Associate membership is held in the Mid-South Conference.

Our co-ed competitive cheer team is also a member of the NAIA (National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics) and the Crossroads League. Our co-ed Esports team is a member of NACE (National Association of Collegiate Esports).

The physical education and intramural sports departments provide vital programs to the students as well. Lifetime sport participation is emphasized in the physical education instruction program, while the intramural sports program allows students to pursue leisure time needs and interests in an organized and competitive manner.

Life Calling & Career

The Life Calling & Career team at Indiana Wesleyan University celebrates students’ God-given uniqueness by holistically developing and equipping them with the resources to make informed career decisions, ultimately enabling them to live a life of purpose and stewardship.

Our team offers innovative and intentional programming to align with students’ development. Students are guided in the discovery and defining of their life calling through coaching, personality assessments (Clifton Strengths, The Strong Interest Inventory, Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, Enneagram), and experiential learning (job shadowing, internships, on-campus employment, and informational interviews).  We help students cultivate experiences that align with their respective passions and connects them with professional networks. Upperclassman are encouraged to pursue leadership positions in on or off campus employment, student organization, research committee, or other co-curricular involvement, as continued personal discovery and professional development. Seniors work with our career personnel to navigate post-graduate plans, complete applications, and learn about additional ways that they can secure meaningful work (job fairs, employer recruitment at the Career kiosk, Handshake job board).  We even offer free professional apparel for students to keep and use for presentations and interviews.

The Team serves students in life coaching, workshops, a life calling class, and in preparation of resumes, mock interviews, professional dress, branding, and job searches . To schedule a one-on-one appointment, call the Life Calling and Career office at 765-677-2520 or sign up on joinhandshake@indwes.edu.

Commuter Students

Commuter students are recognized as full members of the IWU community. Such status comes with the same privileges and responsibilities expected of all students.

Additionally, commuter students receive the same services and opportunities as other students on campus. IWU also recognizes the unique needs of this student group and there are some additional services the institution has been intentional to provide. Specifically, the Barnes Student Center has a lounge designed for commuter students with a kitchen, lockers, lounge furniture, and tables for group studying. Finally, the university has designated a staff member as a point of contact for commuter students who have questions or concerns. Questions concerning commuter students may be directed to the Student Engagement Office located in Suite 282 on the second floor of the student center or by e-mail to the Director of Student Involvement Jonny Rupp at jonny.rupp@indwes.edu.

Student Conduct and Community Standards

As part of Student Development, the Office of Student Conduct & Community Standards aspires to cultivate a culture shaped by the IWU values of kindness, humility, belonging, integrity and courage. We desire for our students to be in the most advantageous situations to thrive during their college experience. Toward those ends, the Office of Student Conduct helps to foster belonging by upholding the values and standards of the IWU community and encourages students to act with character and integrity in all areas. Community Standards & University Policies, along with an outline of the Student Conduct Process can be found in the Student Handbook located on the IWU Portal.

Drug Abuse Prevention

Drug abuse in the United States has become a major problem, and students at Indiana Wesleyan University are not immune. If you need assistance with a drug abuse problem, we encourage you to seek help at your local community drug abuse prevention center. To talk to someone in a strictly confidential atmosphere, please feel free to contact The Center for Student Success (765-677-2257) at our Marion campus for a list of resources. All conversations are private and will not affect your attendance at the university.

If you would like to talk to someone outside Indiana Wesleyan University, please feel free to call one of the following numbers, or a hospital or treatment center in your area:

         •     National Institute on Drug Abuse, 5600 Fishers Lane, Room 10A-30, Rockville, MD 20857, 800-662-HELP, 800-662-4357.


The campus offers a variety of dining options located in the Barnes Student Center. IWU's food service partner, Pioneer, provides well-balanced meals at a reasonable cost. Dietary options are available throughout our facilities. Individuals with special dietary restrictions may contact Pioneer to identify meal options that meet a student's specific dietary needs.  

A standard meal plan is automatically part of a resident student’s room and board contract. Residents may dine in the Baldwin dining room, an all-you-can-eat self-serve buffet. Baldwin offers a variety of food choices for Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner which features cuisines from around the world.  This would include traditional Mid-west and American, Asian, Mexican, Soup and Salad, Deli and Spread, Demonstration Made-To-Order, Grill and Pizza, Rotisserie, Desserts, Cereals, Vegetarian, and Allergan Free stations. Students also have the option of conversion meals honored in our Wildcat Express Food Court. The food court houses five restaurants including Chick-fil-A, 42nd Street Deli, Mario's Pizza & Grinders, Casa de Gato Cafe and Wild Wok. The Wildcat Express also offers a single Grab-n-Go option for our busy students.

Students have the opportunity to use their meal plan points in our Trader James Convenience store located in the Barnes Student Center. Trader James features a wide variety of food, snacks, beverages and personal items. Trader James also offers a selection of dietary sensitive items such as gluten free products. 

Commuter Students are encouraged to eat their meals in Baldwin dining room or the Wildcat Express Food Court. Commuter students are able to purchase meal plans, which can be acquired online through the IWU Housing website. Commuter students may also purchase points, which are applied as a declining balance system to their ID cards for ease of convenience. Commuter students who apply points purchases of $100 or more will receive a bonus of 25% to their account. These points may be purchased from Pioneer located in the Barnes Student Center office suite 160.

Health Services

All students are required to provide health information through the Med+Proctor website, including proof of immunity. Students will receive an invitation email from Med+Proctor in their IWU email account.  All health information is to be completed and/or uploaded by July 31 for fall semester, or December 1st if beginning the spring semester. See the Wildcat Health Clinic portal page for updated list of required and recommended vaccines. Evidence of immunization is provided through one of the following options:

        •     Completed and signed Immunization Form by the student's medical provider (form found on Med+Proctor site)

        •     An immunization record from a high school, college, or university

        •     A copy of local health department immunization record

        •     An immunization record maintained by the student or parent (cannot be a baby book record)

The IWU Wildcat Health Clinic provides a full range of care and is staffed by registered nurses and a nurse practitioner. The Wildcat Health Clinic serves students on a walk-in basis by a registered nurse or by appointment with the nurse practitioner. There is a fee to see the nurse practitioner, which can be billed to the student’s insurance, paid by students or billed to the students account.

IMPORTANT: All students need to provide their own health insurance. Health insurance is strongly encouraged for all students.

Information Desk - Marion Campus

The Information Desk, located on the first floor of the Barnes Student Center, is the best location on campus to find details regarding phone numbers, campus events, and campus offices. Phone 765-677-4636 for more information.

Life Coaching

Through personalized dialogue and assessment tools, life coaches help students discover their unique God-given design, develop a sense of life calling, and strengthen fundamental life skills for future personal and professional development. A life coach can help you take purposeful steps toward real change, pursuing your goals, and defining your life. This is a free service offered to all Marion residential students. Life Coaching appointments can be made in the Life Calling and Career Office on the second floor of Barnes Student Center, suite 290, by calling 765-677-2520 or by using the Handshake app.

New Student Orientation

All entering full-time undergraduate students are required to participate in an orientation conducted at the beginning of the semester or program. This orientation is designed to acquaint students with the university programs and services available from the various offices.

Performing Arts

The Phillippe Performing Arts Center (PPAC) hosts performances by the IWU Music Division and IWU Theatre Guild. Performances are open to the campus community and the public.

This mission remains focused on a higher goal: to experience the limitless, wondrous creativity of how God is revealed to us through ministry in the arts.

Exploratory Program

The Exploratory Program has been established by Indiana Wesleyan University for students who enter the university with the desire to explore academic majors and related careers before committing to a major program of study. The Life Calling instructors provide academic advising to these students until they select a major.

Through individual appointments, workshops, and the Life Calling course (LFC-150), the Life Calling team assists Exploratory students with the following:

  1. Developing a sense of purpose and calling as a basis for making life decisions.
  2. Selecting and scheduling courses.
  3. Establishing and evaluating academic goals.
  4. Exploring academic majors and related careers.
  5. Declaring a major.
  6. Connecting with additional university programs and resources.



Staff positions on The Sojourn (the student-run campus news outlet) and GrantCOnnected.net (the student-run community news outlet) are available for students interested in writing, editing, photography, video, audio, web design, and graphic design. Paid positions are available for students.

The Sojourn and GrantCOnnected.net are published online and cover many aspects of campus and community life through accurate and investigative reporting.

The Caesura is a literary magazine published each spring that features the creative writing and visual art of students.


The mission of the Department of Campus Recreation is to provide a wide variety of quality recreation, sports, fitness, and leisure activities that will increase the overall wellness of the campus community and to provide dynamic programming that enhances leadership and social development in an environment that is fair, safe, and Christ-centered.

All enrolled students (resident and commuters) as well as faculty, staff, administrators, and their spouses are eligible to participate in activities sponsored by the Department of Campus Recreation.

Activities include, but are not limited to: intramural sand volleyball, flag football, ultimate frisbee, racquetball, indoor soccer, outdoor soccer, volleyball, basketball, campus golf, disc golf, cornhole, pickleball, 5k fun run, and bowling.

Students, faculty, staff and administrators also have access to a state-of-the-art recreation and wellness facility.

Residential Learning

The Residential Learning program at Indiana Wesleyan University is designed to provide each resident with the opportunity to grow not only academically but also socially and spiritually. The most successful students after graduation have mastered not only their course of study but have developed other areas of their lives, becoming well-rounded and balanced. With this in mind, the residence hall becomes much more than a place to sleep and study. It is a community of learning that helps students more effectively grow into the image of Christ. Our hope is that students will find the residence halls a place where individuals will join together as a family to learn from one another.

The Residential Learning program is administered by the Dean for Residential Learning. Each residence hall or area has a trained professional resident director (RD) living in the hall. Each living unit (approximately 35 students) has a specially selected and trained undergraduate resident assistant (RA). Residents are challenged and supported through the growth process by the RA who plans regular activities and programs, including spiritual growth opportunities for residents. The Resident Hall Chaplain provides additional spiritual support and guidance for residents.

The Residential Learning program at IWU provides a developmental approach for housing students. Resident students begin their stay on campus in traditional residence halls with more support and accountability. As they grow developmentally and in their independence, upper division students may transition into more independent-style living if qualifications are met.

Traditional Halls: Housing freshman through senior students in a traditional hall-style: Beckett Hall (F), Reed Hall (F), Martin Hall (F), Evans Hall (F), South Hall (M), and Hodson Hall (M).

Upper Division Halls:

Suite Style: Open to sophomores and above, students live in suites of 4 or 8 students. Suites have private lounge space: Scripture Hall (F) and Kem Hall (M).

Apartment Style: Juniors and seniors may apply to live in apartment-style living areas, which have lounges and a kitchenette: Townhouses and Lodges.

Married Housing: University Court offers duplex apartments in a community for married students.

Prospective students interested in attending IWU and living on campus may complete an online housing application after submitting an enrollment deposit as part of the admission process. Room assignments will be made according to the date the enrollment deposit is paid.

Returning students who wish to reserve a room must complete an online Returning Student Application. Students may self-select a room online during housing selection, according to procedures outlined by the Housing Office.

Housing Exemption: Undergraduate students 16-22 years of age are required to live in University undergraduate housing unless they are married, are the legal guardian of a minor, are taking less than 9 onsite (not online) credit hours, or living with a legal guardian within 60 miles of the Marion campus of Indiana Wesleyan University.  Students who meet these criteria are eligible for exemption and may complete an Off-Campus Housing Application.

A Housing Exemption Appeal process is available to students desiring to live off-campus for financial reasons, mental/ physical/emotional health needs, or other extenuating personal circumstances.

Housing Eligibility: New or readmitted students enrolling in a traditional undergraduate academic program at Indiana Wesleyan University must be under the age of 25 at the time of initial enrollment to qualify to live in University undergraduate housing. Returning students who are already living in or approved to live in University undergraduate housing at the time of their 25th birthday qualify to remain in University undergraduate housing until they graduate from IWU or separate from the University.

Continuous Graduate Housing: Students residing in University undergraduate housing may elect to extend housing eligibility if continuing in a residential graduate program the following semester. Students meeting the continuous enrollment criteria should contact the Director of Housing to inquire about availability.

Undergraduate residence halls are closed during Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Spring Break vacations. There is no food service offered during these periods. During these times students must secure their own housing and food arrangements. Residential Learning will assist students who are having difficulty securing break housing.

Safety Policies and Campus Crime Statistics

IWU Safety Policies can be accessed at http://www.indwes.edu/safety and includes crime statistics on certain reportable crimes, as well as policies concerning alcohol and drug use, crime reporting and prevention, sexual assault and other related matters. Anyone wishing a paper copy of the policies may contact the Office of Institutional Research at 765-677-1566.

Spiritual Life

IWU is a Christ-centered academic community that sees spiritual formation as everyone’s privilege and responsibility. The spiritual formation of our community is not the work of any one office or discipline, but the most important place of campus-wide collaboration and intentionality. 

IWU is a worshipping community that gathers for chapel every Monday and Friday at 10:05 am to dive into Scripture, worship and pray. This community-wide gathering is more than a requirement; it is an identity-forming and culture-shaping community rhythm that continually reminds us of who we are.

In addition, IWU also invites students to gather every Wednesday at 10:05am and throughout the week in smaller groups for the purpose of deep, inner transformation. The authentic vulnerability found in consistent, smaller gatherings is a hallmark of the Wesleyan tradition and a priority for IWU. It is in the context of these smaller gatherings that Christian faith goes beyond an intellectual understanding to an inward transformation by the Spirit.

Chapel and small groups weave together to create a supportive framework for the formative work all over our campus. Similar to the way that a trellis supports and provides structure for a vine to grow, gathering in an intentional and rhythmic way provides a supportive framework for spiritual formation to happen daily in classrooms, on athletic teams, on ministry teams, at student-led worship events and in dorm rooms. 

All undergraduate residential students earn 28 Spiritual Formation Credits over the course of their any semester by attending chapel, small groups, or an alternative chapel event. To see requirements for commuter students and credit reductions, visit the student handbook found here http://www.indwes.edu/Life-At-IWU/IWU-Student-Handbook.

Student Center

The Barnes Student Center is the community center of the university for all members of the university family--students, faculty, administration, alumni, and guests. Its design fosters a central gathering point for community life at IWU.

The Barnes Student Center provides for services, conveniences, and amenities that members of the university family need in their daily life on campus and for getting to know and understand one another through informal association outside the classroom.

The Barnes Student Center is part of the university educational process by frequently hosting academic forums, classes, and research initiatives. The facility provides social and recreational programming, aimed to make free time activity learning opportunities that support a student's educational pursuits. These initiatives foster the development of students as citizens in our community as well as their intellects.

Student Engagement

The Student Engagement office works with both new and continuing students in their pursuit of a successful academic experience, especially by promoting a smooth transition to collegiate life and by coordinating support mechanisms for students. Dean for Student Engagement also coordinates the campus-wide use of Aviso to connect students to campus resources and services that will enable them to thrive.

Student Life and Activities

Student organizations and other activities provide co-curricular and extracurricular opportunities on campus in leadership and personal growth. Students are encouraged to participate in a variety of campus student organizations and activities with the intent to develop leadership skills, grow spiritually, and to simply have fun. The following groups and activities explained below are designed to meet students’ needs and interests:

Student Government Association

SGA primarily exists to represent the Student Body to the Faculty, Administration, Staff, and the Surrounding Community. SGA secondly exists to represent the opinions, reasoning, thoughts, and decisions of the Faculty, Staff, Administration, and Board of Trustees to the Study Body.

Student Activities Council

SAC creates and implements events by upholding traditions and bringing new opportunities to the IWU community in order to enrich students’ college experience and encourage them to be active participants in the world around them. SAC values creativity, passion, and inclusivity and strives to develop these values through the activities presented to the IWU community.

Student Organizations 

IWU proudly offers many opportunities for students to be involved in extracurricular activities. There are approximately 20 student organizations that are student led and ran and are designed to meet a variety of interests. Student organizations represent interests in academic, social issues, recreation and student publications. For a listing of specific organizations, please visit Wildcat Life at http://www.indwes.edu/wildcatlife.

Indiana Weselayan