2013-2014 Catalog
2013-2014 Catalog > Courses > TSL - Tchng English As Second Lang > 400
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This course provides a detailed examination of specific aspects of the English language to prepare students for teaching English to speakers of other languages (TESOL). Topics to be covered will include the English sound system, word formation and acquisition, sentence structure and meaning, practical language use, and world Englishes. Pedagogical implications of each area will also be explored.
Enables students to develop their operational command of English Grammar into analytical knowledge with the purpose of teaching English grammar to speakers of other languages. The course will focus on implicit and explicit grammar instruction methodologies. Students will practice teaching grammar lessons, using the strategies they have learned and developed. Prerequisite: ENG-241.
This course provides TESOL students develop skills required for the design, execution, and reporting of research related to linguistics and language teaching and learning. The experience culminates in the completion of an individually conducted research project. Co-requisite: TSL-481.
This capstone course focuses on current issues and trends in the field of TESOL and preparing students for entry into the TESOL profession. Co-requisite: TSL-471.