2013-2014 Catalog



SPA-100 Spanish for Fun

Uses games, proverbs, songs, and dialogues that require students to use Spanish. Graded on a Credit/No Credit basis.


SPA-110 Conversational Spanish

Develops a basic working vocabulary and the use of the simple tenses. Listening and speaking in Spanish are emphasized during class time. Language laboratory required.


SPA-117 Beginning Spanish I

Designed to introduce the receptive and expressive skills in the use of the Spanish language. All four language skills receive attention. Language laboratory required.


SPA-118 Beginning Spanish II

Designed to develop the receptive and expressive skills in the use of the Spanish language. All four language skills receive attention. Language laboratory required. Prerequisite: SPA-117 or equivalent.


SPA-140 Spanish Grammar and Composition I

This course is an introduction to written communication in which the student will develop writing skills through an emphasis on Spanish grammar. The student will focus on word usage and spelling, sentence structure, paragraph composition, and proper grammar in writing short essays.


SPA-141 Spanish Grammar and Composition II

This course teaches students how to write clearly, correctly, and effectively. It requires the student to go through the process of planning, writing, and rewriting.

Indiana Weselayan