2013-2014 Catalog



POL-515 Urban Economics and Policy

An introduction to urban economic theory, urban spatial form, and urban policy problems. Topics include theories of urban evolution and form, regional comparative advantage and trade, urban economic growth and development, the limits to metropolitan size, land-rent gradients, public goods and externalities in urban areas, and urban policy problems including: poverty, housing, segregation, transportation networks, congestion, land use planning, and issues in local and regional governance and public finance.


POL-521 Public Institutions and Values

This foundational course introduces students to the complex social, economic, political, and ethical context of public administration in the United States. Students gain an understanding of values of public institutions and the importance of public involvement in decision-making. Students develop skills for interpreting and critically evaluating the competing concerns and complexities of American public service issues.


POL-522 Research Design and Methods

This course will provide students with an introduction to research methods and statistical techniques used in social science research, particularly in the fields of economics and political science. This course will include basic knowledge of the concepts and models employed for conducting experimental research, policy analysis and program evaluation, and unobtrusive research from data sets. Emphasis will be placed on using and applying the qualitative and quantitative techniques most widely utilized in social science research.


POL-523 Organizational Management and Behavior

This class explores the contemporary theories and practice of managing public sector organizations through the lenses of organizational theory and behavior and decision-making.


POL-526 Foundations of Public Policy

This course is designed to introduce the foundations of public policy. The course will enable students to understand why some public problems reach the public agenda, why some policy options (solutions and strategies) are adopted and others rejected, and why some policies appear to succeed while others appear to fail. This course will develop the student's ability to understand how public policy is imagined, created, implemented, and evaluated.


POL-527 Scholarship

This course introduces students to the practice of analytical thinking as it is applied to the social sciences and policy analysis. As a foundational course for skill development, attention is given to detailing the practice of scholarly inquiry and introducing the logic of social science research. Emphasis is placed on developing and refining fundamental research skills involved in the evaluation, conduct, and communication of empirical work.


POL-528 Economics and Policy

This course examines economic theory and methods of analysis used for making, implementing, and evaluating government policies. The course covers how key theories of macro and microeconomics can be used in formulating public policy decisions. Methods of evaluating public policies will be covered with particular focus on marginal analysis and cost/benefit analysis. The course will also cover the concepts of public goods, externalities, and public choice theory.


POL-531 Financing Public Services

This course examines the management of public investments and theories of taxation and non-tax revenues.


POL-533 Ethical Leadership in the Public Sector

This class examines the responsibilities and benefits of ethical public sector leadership. This class will cover critical thinking, normative decision-making, and the role of values in public policy and public affairs. Ethical theories and principles commonly used in public administration are emphasized.


POL-535 Public Policy Processes and Strategies

This class explores processes through which public demands are communicated, converted into public policy, and implemented in the context of the American democratic system. Examines the intersection of politics, policy, and administration as well as the diverse strategies and tools of public action through the lenses of current events.


POL-541 Research Methods and Inquiry

This first course in a two course sequence introduces students to applied research design, data collection, data management, data analysis, and analytical reporting to allow students to conduct original research, be informed consumers of research, and be ultimately improved decision makers in public sector settings.


POL-542 Policy Analysis

This course is designed for acquisition of practical skills in policy analysis. Policy analysis is the art, craft, and science of collecting and interpreting information that clarifies the causes and effects of public problems and the likely consequences of policy options. Policy analysis requires technical understanding of analytical tools and diverse policy contexts, as well as the ability to produce and communicate practical advice. To this end, policy analysis draws from the ideas and methods of many disciplines including political science, economics, and environmental science.


POL-543 Scholarly Research and Writing

This second course in a two course sequence introduces students to qualitative research and various aspects of scholarly writing. This class prepares students to communicate research clearly and effectively as public service leaders.


POL-545 Political Science International Travel Seminar

This course is designed as an international travel seminar to observe, understand, and comparatively assess the systems and governments of select countries around the world. Course content examines the history, culture, environment, economics, governing processes, healthcare, public policy, and/or international interactions of the designated country. The course blends international travel, interdisciplinary study, intercultural interactions with peers, instructors, and foreign nationals, lectures, site visits, and interactive meetings to provide a unique experiential learning environment. Attention is given to synthesizing course content and in-country experiences from the journey as students individually and corporately reflect upon matters that relate to their chosen areas of study and being agents of change in the world.


POL-565 Public Administration and Finance

A penetrating analysis of public administration and expenditures. Explores revenue including taxation, budget examination, and the effect of fiscal policy on the economy.


POL-586 Capstone in Public Policy and Affairs

This course is an advanced application seminar serving as a cumulative and integrative experience that draws together the various research and content components of the MPA curriculum. The course facilitates an analytical exercise through which students address relevant public affairs issues and problems. In consultation with the course facilitator students may complete a policy analysis, program assessment, or research thesis identifying and exploring real world problems facing policymakers in the public and private sectors. Additionally, the course provides a summative assessment of the knowledge accumulated by students throughout the program.


POL-587 Capstone in Public Affairs

In this class, students will conduct an in-depth analysis of a real-world case study of their choosing that has public sector implications in order to develop lessons learned that speak to the broader public affairs audience. Students are expected to apply concepts and theories presented throughout the program in a capstone paper.

Indiana Weselayan