2013-2014 Catalog



PHE-210 Computers & Technology in Physical Education and Sport

This course is designed to educate the student in practical computer and technology applications relevent to Health, Kinesiology, Recreation and sport related vocations. This course is also designed to enhance the student's knowledge of basic computer applications and their potential within the student's chosen profession.

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PHE-212 Health, Wellness & Individual Performance Assessment w/Lab

Utilizing the philosophical framework of holistic health, this course provides an introduction to the principles and concepts essential to healthy living. A weekly laboratory component of the course will give students the opportunity to complete individual physical performance assessments on the five components of health-related physical fitness as well as non-physical assessments.


PHE-225 Psychology of Sport and Exercise

The examination of psychological implications for sport, exercise, and injury.


PHE-229 Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation

A techniques course leading to certification in Emergency Cardiac Care.


PHE-230 First Aid Basics

A standard first-aid course, taught by the multimedia approach, that includes knowledge and skills needed in emergency care of the injured and ill until medical care can be obtained. Also covers basic life-support techniques for victims of respiratory emergency and cardiac arrest. Qualifying students receive a certificate in first aid.


PHE-235 Professional Experience I

Placement of majors and minors in a professional setting in order to gain hands-on experience. The YMCA, YWCA, classroom, schools, PAL Club, camps, hospitals and other fitness facilities will be utilized in this course. Background check fees may apply to this course.


PHE-236 Professional Experience II

A second placement in a professional setting to gain further insight into possible career opportunities and responsibilities. Evaluation will be by an on-site supervisor. Background check fees may apply to this course.


PHE-240S Officiating Softball

The techniques, methods, rules, mannerism of officiating softball. IHSAA certification.


PHE-240T Officiating Track and Field

The techniques, methods, rules, mannerism of officiating track and field. IHSAA certification.


PHE-242 Elementary Physical Education

The objectives, organization, methods, and activities of elementary physical education. Special emphasis on the development of basic fundamental movement skills in small children will be studied and clinical experiences in a school setting is required as a part of this course.


PHE-242P Elementary Physical Education Practicum

This course provides a practicum experience for K-12 physical education majors in elementary-level classrooms in public or private schools. Students will observe an experienced elementary physical education teacher who will serve as the supervising teacher for the experience. Students will teach a minimum of 3 lessons in the elementary physical education classroom, and will be observed and evaluated by both IWU physical education and education faculty. Graded as a Credit/No Credit class. Co-requisite: PHE-242. Permission of the Division of Education to take this course in conjunction with EDU-382C.


PHE-248 Intercultural Studies in Physical Education and Sport

A comparison of different countries and their different approaches to physical education and sports are the core of this course. An extensive study of the Olympics and their role in history will also be studied. This course may also follow a study-tour format while in another country for sport and physical activity purposes. This course meets the general education intercultural requirement.


PHE-255 Scientific Aspects of Phys Education and Coaching

Application of exercise science concepts for those involved in teaching physical education and youth sport coaching. The influence of exercise on the cardiovascular, musculoskeletal, and central nervous systems will be discussed from a developmental context of childhood and adolescence.


PHE-260 Health, Physical Activity, and Human Movement

A study of the basis of the human body; its structure, systems, and functions. Aspects of this course include nutrition for healthy lifestyles, risks of inactivity, disease prevention and recognition, benefits of activity (physical, social, and psychological), and social forces as they relate to health. The course will introduce students to developmental activities, basic movement patterns, and motor skill development. Physically active lifestyles will be addressed as to their value in regard to individual differences, self-esteem, socialization, spirituality, and enjoyment. This course is designed primarily for Elementary Education majors but is open to all students.


PHE-261 Coaching of Baseball and Softball

This course is an introduction to the different parameters involved in coaching the games of baseball and softball. A strong foundation for coaching both sports will be presented. The course includes the development of a coaching philosophy, game strategies, and sound practice sessions.


PHE-263 Coaching of Football and Basketball

This course is an introduction to the different parameters involved in coaching the games of football and basketball. A strong foundation for coaching both sports will be presented. The course will includes the development of a coaching philosophy, game strategies, and sound practice sessions.


PHE-264 Principles of Strength and Conditioning

This course will introduce students to the principles of strength and conditioning, including muscular strength and endurance, periodization, performance evaluation and program design, and prepare them to sit for the national Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) exam.


PHE-265 Personal Training

A course designed to prepare students for the National Strength and Conditioning Association Personal Trainer certification. There will be focus on exercise sciences, consultation and evaulation, exercise technique, program design, special populations, and legal issues.


PHE-274 Coaching of Cross Country/ Track and Field

This course is an introduction to the different parameters involved in coaching cross country and track and field. A strong foundation for coaching both sports will be presented. The course includes the development of a coaching philosophy, meet, event, and race strategies, as well as sound practice sessions.


PHE-275 Coaching of Volleyball

Proper techniques will be described for various volleyball skills. Drills for practice consideration will be introduced. Diagramming of various defensive and offensive alignments will be explained. The elements of equipment, scorekeeping, and volleyball statistics will be covered.


PHE-276 Coaching of Soccer and Volleyball

This course is an introduction to the different parameters involved in coaching the games of soccer and volleyball. A strong foundation for coaching both sports will be presented. The course includes the development of a coaching philosophy, game strategies, and sound practice sessions.


PHE-282 Motor Development

A course designed to help future professionals in their understanding of human motor development from conception to adulthood. Models and factors affecting motor development will be studied. The course will have applications to kinesiology, motor learning, adapted physical education, and both elementary and secondary education.


PHE-286 Kinesiology

The investigation and analysis of human movement, that will emphasize the anatomical concepts and physical laws related to joint and muscle action. Relationships between structure and function in accordance with general mechanical laws are also examined. Prerequisites: BIO-111, BIO-111L, BIO-112 and BIO-112L.

Indiana Weselayan