2013-2014 Catalog



MISS-500 Cultural Contexts of Ministry

This course explores the most relevant contexts in which a person's ministry takes place, including the unity and diversity of local contexts, social and cultural contexts, denominational contexts, national and global contexts, as well as the kingdom context. Special attention is given to the broader Christian context of the cohort, such as the roots of American denominationalism for North Americans.


MISS-520 Cross-Cultural Ministry

This course explores the various facets of cross-cultural ministry. It is designed to expose students to cultures which are different from their own with a view to understanding those cultures and also better understanding their own home culture. Whether by intensive study or direct exposure to another culture, this course equips students to minister more effectively in diverse cultural settings. (Practical)


MISS-550 Multiply: Foundations of Church Planting and Multiplication

This course will provide principles and practices of leading and empowering multiplication movements. Church planting, multi-site, and new venue principles and practices will be explored, including visits to multiple church sites within differing communities and congregations, with differing leadership approaches. Emphasis will be given as to how churches of a variety of sizes can participate in multiplication.


MISS-552 Core: the Calling, Character, and Competency of a Church Multiplier

This course focuses on the core of an effective leader's calling, character, and competency within a multiplication context. Emphasis will be given to the leader's development in the areas of spiritual formation, self-awareness, emotional intelligence, and relational aptitude.


MISS-553 Launch: Initiating Effective New Churches, Sites, and Venues

This course is designed to provide principles and practices for the pre-launch and launch processes of a church plant, site, or venue. Emphasis will be given to discerning the new church, site, or venue model and strategy, developing a philosophy of ministry, exegeting a cultural context, connecting with the community, recruiting a core team, designing the worship gatherings, and creating an efficient leadership structure. This course will provide students with a culturally adaptable framework for the development of a new initiative.


MISS-554 Thrive: Maximizing the Post-Launch Phase

This course addresses the challenges of the post-launch process in years two to ten, including personal health, soul care, leadership development, evangelism fervor, discipleship formation, financial management, spiritual warfare, and organizational management. The course utilizes learning experiences of successful multiplication movements in their post-launch years.

Indiana Weselayan