2013-2014 Catalog



MIN-605 Creative Bible Teaching Methods

The course explores the spiritual and psychological dynamics of effective Bible teaching to children, adolescents, and adults. Creative teaching methods are examined so that students may communicate biblical truths with conviction, precision, and practical relevance.


MIN-610 The Evangelistic Mandate for the Church

This course willexplain the Trinity's role in the mission and the evangelistic mandate of the church. Students will assess their local community needs and formulate an evangelistic plan suited to those community needs. They will also grow in their desire to fulfill the mandate of the church and in their dedication to help others fulfill it.


MIN-628 Sociology, Anthropology and Theology of Marriage and Family

This course explores sociological, anthropological, and theological foundations of marriage, family, and the family dynamics and how these affect individual and community well-being. Students will create a philosophical framework that synthesizes the value and importance of the family in society.


MIN-631 Thriving Marriages: Fostering Growth

This course explores recent marriage and family research, focusing on twelve traits repeatedly identified in this body of research that are found in healthy marriages. Students will learn techniques to assist couples in creating an environment that can foster marriage health and growth. Students will design tangible strategies for creating a marriage ministry within a church or community.


MIN-695 Practical Theology Capstone

This course completes the Master of Practical Theology degree with an assessment of the progress made in the program, the collection of materials into a ministry portfolio, and the creation of a multi-year plan for future ministry and personal development. Prereauisite: Completion of all degree course requirements.

Indiana Weselayan