2013-2014 Catalog



LEAD-540 Non-Profit Management

This course explores key non-profit management principles and skills, particularly those that are unique to churches and faith-based organizations. It will deal with the planning missteps that bring growing non-profit organizations, including churches, to a halt. It will also address strategic issues such as: when and how to introduce new ideas, meeting organizational needs without stifling spiritual needs, how and when to add multiple celebration experiences, prayer strategies to maintain focus, why building too soon or too big will stunt organizational growth, planning realistic budgets for growth without overestimating potential, and how to "cell" a growing organization. (Practical)


LEAD-560 Power, Change, and Conflict Management

This course examines several theories of the nature of change and change management as they interface with church management and administration. The course particularly examines the nature of power structures within the congregation and how to facilitate constructive change while maintaining fidelity to the mission of the group. (Practical)

Indiana Weselayan