2013-2014 Catalog
2013-2014 Catalog > Courses > INR - International Relations > 400
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This course is an advanced survey of the norms, institutions and processes increasingly constituting some type of governance at the global level. Students will be acquainted with the knowledge and analytical tools needed to cope with an increasingly complex and interconnected global system. Towards this end, the course introduces the key dimensions, actors and nature of global governance; identifying the most significant concepts and theoretical approaches to understanding global rule. The course also addresses the various debates about global governance and explanations for the increasing demands in global governance structures. Prerequisites: POL-230 and POL-232.
This is an advanced seminar in the methodological study of political phenomenon. Students will enhance their research, analysis and critical thinking skills through practical experience in the process of scholarship. As a capstone experience students will plan, research and write a scholarly research piece addressing an empirical puzzle relevant to their interests. The course is highly recommended for students pursuing graduate education. Prerequisite: Upper-division Status.