2013-2014 Catalog



EDSE-510 Classroom Responses to Individual Differences in Language and Culture

This course provides a foundational understanding of language development so that the classroom teacher can design a variety of culturally relevant strategies for providing student-centered instruction. With a focus on designing instruction to meet the diverse needs of all students, teachers will use technology and other resources to develop individualized strategies.


EDSE-520 Individualized Assessment and Data-Based Interventions

Teachers will explore current assessment practices with emphasis on legal and ethical considerations, formal and informal assessment tools, test scores, and technical adequacy. They will gain experience making accommodations, using observational assessment, evaluating teacher-made tests, and selecting appropriate diagnostic measures for determining eligibility and accountability for students with exceptionalities of all ages. The course will focus on the use of assessment data to make informed instructional decisions and respectful communication of assessment results.


EDSE-530 Research-Based Behavior Interventions

This course will focus on exploring evidence-based methodologies for understanding and managing behavior. Teachers will examine behaviors as related to disability, study functional behavior assessment, and develop behavior intervention plans. Emphasis will be given to legal mandates associated with analyzing behavior and utilizing interventions within the schools with individuals affected by disability. The course includes a 10-hour field experience.


EDSE-540 Strategies and Interventions for Students With Autism Spectrum Disorders

Teachers will develop effective teaching strategies and interventions for students with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Based on an understanding of the etiology of the disorders in the autism spectrum, teachers will create evidence-based instructional practices that use assistive technologies to address specific academic, behavioral, social, and communication needs. Teachers will cultivate skills in effectively supporting and enhancing students' success in various environments.


EDSE-550 Collaboration With Families and Professionals

This course will equip teachers to collaborate with other educators, service providers, and parents to develop and implement appropriate services and supports for students with disabilities. Teachers will strengthen their interpersonal skills as they seek to address challenges that affect families with children with disabilities. The course will focus on promoting the essential skills of communication and problem-solving through developing self-awareness of the influence of their own and others' attitudes, behaviors, and ways of communicating on instructional practice. Teachers will collaborate in culturally responsive ways with families, other educators, related service providers, and personnel from community agencies.


EDSE-560 Seminar: Professional Issues in Disability Services

Teachers will explore professional issues around disability services. Topics include definition, life-span concerns, community collaboration, response to intervention, religion and culture, laws, and bio-medical ethics. The seminar provides teachers with an opportunity to investigate topics that are relevant to their own teaching practice to promote a Christian response to disability.

Indiana Weselayan