2013-2014 Catalog



ECED-410 Culturally Responsive Pedagogy in Early Childhood

This course includes theory, pedagogy, and related research on multiple aspects of learner diversity, with emphasis on developing appropriate culturally responsive and inclusive environments for young children. This course covers culturally responsive care and education in Early Childhood settings. It includes the study of sociocultural and political issues as they vary across the diverse cultures represented in the classroom and how they impact a child's development. The course explores the challenge of providing an equitable and effective education to all, and provides methods and materials that can be used in the classroom.


ECED-412 Linking Literacy and Students

This course addresses the importance of strong literacy support between the family, school, and community in support of student reading achievement. It examines the notion of family-school-community partnerships and evaluates the effectiveness of current partnerships in the student's community. Students effectively communicate with parents/caregivers, daycare programs, community members, and local libraries to provide appropriate supports, books, activities, and resources. Students will develop criteria to assess effective partnerships as they observe and evaluate home-, day care-, community-, and/or library-based programs/activities for P-3 readers.


ECED-415 Social, Emotional, and Behavioral Interventions

This course examines what social, emotional, and behavioral interventions are, and how these interventions relate to student growth in the classroom. Worldviews and the impact of the teacher's role on social, emotional, and behavioral interventions will also be analyzed. This course also examines the importance of and how to identify appropriate resources that provide intervention services for students. A field component involving critical analysis of a daycare program/curriculum is required for this course.


ECED-420 Ethics and Administration in the EC Profession

This course examines the issues involved with administering an early childhood program, including program and staff planning and evaluation, center operations, fiscal responsibility, ethical principles, professionalism and advocacy for children.


ECED-425 Content Pedagogical Methods for Integrated Subject Areas

This course explores ways for the integration of specific subject content which utilizes pedagogical methods of teaching within an early learning setting. The early childhood classroom explores ways for collaboration and integrative curriculum building with a greater focus on theory. A strong emphasis is placed on child-initiated and culturally inclusive approaches with differentiation. The study of verbal and nonverbal communication, reading, writing, numeracy, sciences, social awareness, creative arts, and e-technology learning serve as an appropriate foundation toward a knowledge base for teaching diverse populations of young children.


ECED-428 Student Teaching Seminar

A seminar stressing a professional examination of principles of classroom instruction and management, certification, job search procedures, interviewing strategies, mock interviews, accountability, and current issues in education. Activities relate theory to practical experience. An emphasis is placed upon the individual's refinement of reflective analysis skills regarding instructional/managerial strategies. Prerequisite: All core courses in the major of Early Childhood Education must be completed prior to taking this course.


ECED-430 Student Teaching in the PreK/Primary Grades

Student teaching is a demonstration of practical applications of program knowledge, skills, and dispositions in facilitating P-3 students' learning. Authentic assessments documenting candidates' professional growth are exhibited and measured through the use of a Teacher Work Sample. Quality learning experiences in PK/K and Elementary grades 1-3 and are required. Prerequisite: All core courses in the major of Early Childhood Education must be completed prior to taking this course.

Indiana Weselayan