2013-2014 Catalog



COM-422 Television News

Advanced course combining principles of journalistic writing and reporting with the field production techniques of television news and online news management. Students will learn the basic concepts of broadcast reporting, producing a television news program and managing an online website connected to the news content. The student is expected to spend many hours outside of class mastering reporting techniques, including technical expertise, and will also work as a team member in completing newsroom functions. Prerequisites: COM-113 and COM-224.


COM-431 Public Relations Campaigns and Cases

Focuses on public relations as a management function in organizations. Students analyze case studies that exemplify how real organizations successfully apply communication principles to solve public relations problem and maximize opportunities. Prepare and implement a public relations campaign for a client. Prerequisites: COM-233 and COM-331.


COM-445 Communication Internship

A supervised and intensified hands-on work experience in a professional work environment. Student's interests and competencies must coordinate with the professional activities of the cooperating organization, and the student must have successfully completed work related to the internship. May be repeated up to a total of 6 credit hours. Graded on a CR/NC basis. Prerequisites: COM-235, the gateway course for the appropriate major, and permission of the instructor.


COM-464 Media Management

Focuses on leadership principles and issues for students pursuing management careers in media organizations. Leadership styles are addressed through case studies and key issues in economics, and regulatory law and new technologies are applied to decision making strategies. Prerequisite: COM-211.


COM-475 Communications-Independent Learning

Independent study in communication.

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COM-479 Communication Senior Seminar I

Course is the beginning of the Senior Capstone experience for all Communication and Theatre majors. Includes preliminary work on portfolio and senior project as well as analysis of professional and academic experiences across the program of study. Prerequisite: Senior standing.


COM-480 Communication Senior Seminar II

Continues the senior capstone experience for Communication and Theatre majors. Students develop a philosophy of communication based on their study, a senior career and academic portfolio and a creative project in their area of specialty. Prerequisites: COM-479.


COM-483 Advanced Newswriting and Reporting

A continuation of Introduction to Newswriting, with greater emphasis on practical experience and in-depth development of stories, interviewing, research methods, Internet resources, and other investigative tools for professional journalists. Gain professional experience and published clips through reporting and writing stories for a local news outlet. Prerequisite: COM-224 or WRI-224, or permission of Division.

Indiana Weselayan