2013-2014 Catalog



CED-350 Teaching Children in the Church

This course will provide theoretical foundations and practical strategies for teaching children in the church. Based on current research and models of effective teaching, students will design lessons and engage in practice teaching under the supervision of the professor. Critiques and suggestions for improvement will be provided by the professor and by fellow students.


CED-354 Working With Children

A study of the characteristics of various age levels of children and some of the methods, materials, and programs for ministering to them through the local church. Prerequisite: Open to juniors or seniors who have been admitted to the CED major or permission of the Division.


CED-357 Christian Education Practicum

The student will complete twelve weeks of Christian Education ministry in a local church (or similar setting) with mentoring by a professional Christian Education worker and supervision by a professor from the university. Prerequisite: CED-252 or permission of the Division.


CED-358 Christian Education Practicum

The student will complete twelve weeks of Christian Education ministry in a local church (or similar setting) with mentoring by a professional Christian Education worker and supervision by a professor from the university. The student will be expected to teach or give leadership to a significant group (or ministry) throughout the course of this practicum. Prerequisite: CED-357.


CED-359 Christian Education Practicum

The student will complete twelve weeks of Christian Education ministry in a local church (or similar setting) with mentoring by a professional Christian Education worker and supervision by a professor from the university. The student will be expected to teach or give leadership to a significant group (or ministry) and to gain experience in additional areas of leadership which were not included in CED-357 and CED-358. Prerequisite: CED-358.


CED-360 Curriculum Theory and Development

This course explores the curriculum design process for Christian education of children, youth, and adults. We consider methods for assessing needs, developing a scope and sequence, projecting outcomes, and objectives. Writing of actual curriculum sessions is included as well. Prerequisite: CED-252 or permission of Division.


CED-361 Children's Ministry Practicum

The student will complete twelve weeks of children's ministry in a local church (or similar setting) with mentoring by a professional children's ministry worker and supervision by a professor from the university. Prerequisite: CED-252 or permission of the Department.


CED-362 Children's Ministry Practicum

The student will complete twelve weeks of children's ministry in a local church (or similar setting) with mentoring by a professional children's ministry worker and supervision by a professor from the university. The student will be expected to teach or give leadership to a significant group (or ministry) throughout the course of this practicum. Prerequisite: CED-361.


CED-363 Children's Ministry Practicum

The student will complete twelve weeks of children's ministry in a local church (or similar setting) with mentoring by a professional children's ministry worker and supervision by a professor from the university. The student will be expected to teach or give leadership to a significant group (or ministry) and to gain experience in additional areas of leadership which were not included in CED-361 and CED-362. Prerequisite: CED-362.

Indiana Weselayan