2021-2022 Catalog


School Administration Certificate (Indiana Licensure)

Indiana Wesleyan University's School Administration (Indiana Licensure) Program is a post-master’s, licensure program. It is designed for alternatively licensed teachers who have a master's degree and have at least two years of teaching experience.

The 18 credit-hour certificate in School Administration identifies outcomes and expectations based on current school leadership principles and practices and enables interns to engage in inquiry, research, dialogue, team learning, reflection, problem-based learning, collaboration, and standards-based assessment from a comprehensive P-12 perspective. It aligns to the National Educational Leadership Preparation (NELP) program recognition standards on which our accreditation is based.

This program is open to candidates from all states and countries, but is tied to state licensure in Indiana.

Candidates who have completed this program should be able to:

  • Understand and be able to apply Christ-like leadership principles that build the spiritual foundation critical to the success of a world-changer.
  • Demonstrate competency in the following School of Educational Leadership's dispositional domains: Communication, Critical Thinking, Human Interaction, Leadership, and Professionalism.
  • Demonstrate the ability to facilitate collaborative vision, mission, values, goals, and a culture of continuous improvement in the buildings they will lead to change the world.
  • Demonstrate instructional leadership by understanding and promoting best practices in teaching, with an acute focus on student learning and academic success.
  • Demonstrate the ability to leverage school operations, manage resources, and provide a safe learning environment to ensure the success of all students.
  • Demonstrate the ability to build diverse relationships that engage parents and the community in the learning process and share resources for student success and for the benefit of all stakeholders.
  • Model personal integrity, fairness, accountability, cultural responsiveness, and ethical/legal decision-making, and expect the same from staff and students.

Admission Requirements

The admission requirements for the School Administration Certificate (Indiana Licensure) program are as follows:

  • Have completed a master's degree from a college or university that is accredited by an accrediting agency recognized by both the U.S. Department of Education (ED) and the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA). The degree must be verified on official transcripts and sent directly to Indiana Wesleyan University.
  • Cumulative GPA of 3.0 or above in graduate level courses.
  • Be currently employed in or have access to a P-12 public or non-public school in which the principal is willing to serve as a mentor for the internship phase of the program. Submission of a completed internship agreement with a building principal will be required prior to the start of the internship phase.
  • Hold an initial, standard, provisional, proficient, or accomplished practitioner Instructional or School Counselor license.
  • At least two years of teaching experience on one of the licenses listed above in an approved and accredited public, private, or parochial elementary, secondary, or postsecondary school in the United States or abroad.
    *Please note that in keeping with Indiana Department of Education licensure policy, experience gained by a teacher holding only an Emergency Permit, Provisional Permit, Transition to Teaching Permit, Career Specialist Permit, Charter School License, Substitute Permit, or Workplace Specialist II license is not acceptable as licenses of these types do not meet the prerequisite license requirements.
  • Obtain recommendations from two school leaders (superintendent, principal, or assistant principal) who are qualified to judge the applicant’s knowledge, skills, and dispositions in relation to pursuing the Building Level Administrator’s license.
  • Submit a signed FERPA Release Form.

Field Experience Requirements

All candidates must complete a six-credit-hour internship spanning 7-8 months in accordance with NELP requirements.

Completion Requirements

To complete the School Administration (Indiana Licensure) Program candidates must:

  • Successfully complete the SA curriculum.
  • Possess a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or above in all graduate work and a minimum grade of "B-" in each course.
  • Satisfy admission, mid-program review, and program completion gateways.
  • Provide evidence of a passing score for the Indiana licensure exam for Building-level Administration.
  • Payment of all tuition and fees is required to receive a certificate.

School Administration Program (Indiana Licensure) - Program of Study

Core Courses

EDL-657Collaborative Vision and Instructional Leadership


EDL-616Organizational, Operational, and Resource Management


EDL-618Professional, Legal, and Ethical Leadership


EDL-610Community, Cultural, and Relational Leadership


EDL-612Principal Internship I: Clinical Application of Leadership Principles


EDL-625Principal Internship II: Clinical Application of Leadership Principles


Total Credit Hours:18

Indiana Weselayan