2024-2025 Catalog


Grade Appeal and Academic Policy Grievance

Indiana Wesleyan University follows generally accepted college and university practice in the development of academic policies, the operation of classrooms, and use of grading techniques. The university allows its instructors independence in following generally accepted practices. A student who wishes to appeal a course grade or an academic policy decision (including one believed to be discriminatory based on race, national origin, color, sex, disability, or age, including Title VI, Title IX, and Section 504), must abide by the procedures that follow.

Each stated time frame will be the ordinary process. More time may be necessary in the event of a lengthy investigation, hearing, illness, or other unforeseen circumstances. All grievances, with all documents, recommendations, and decisions, will be reported to the Vice President for Learner Success and Regional Workforce Engagement. Because the appeal process is a private university administrative process, legal counsel or representation is inappropriate.

Grade Appeal

A grade appeal involves only those situations in which a student believes that an instructor (a) has not followed fair grading practice or (b) has not followed his or her published grading policy. A student who wishes to appeal a grade based on one or both of these reasons must follow these procedures:

  • The student must first contact the instructor for a full explanation of the grade given and the basis for making the grade.
  • If there is no resolution, then the student may file a grade appeal request form, which can be obtained from the Online Regions Office/Program Director or Chair. If a properly completed grade appeal request form is not received by the university within 30 days of the date the student’s grade was posted, then the student will forfeit any further right to appeal.
  • After the university receives the grade appeal request form, it will be forwarded to the instructor along with a faculty grade appeal response form.
  • If the instructor agrees that the grade should be changed, the university will change the grade and notify the student.
  • If the instructor does not agree that the grade should be changed, the university will notify the student and send a form that may be used by the student to request a review by the Academic Appeals Committee. If the university does not receive the form from the student within 15 days of the date the form was sent, then the student will forfeit any further right to appeal.
  • Upon receipt of the request for committee review from the student, the matter will be brought to the next regularly scheduled Academic Appeals Committee meeting. (NOTE: The committee reserves the right to seek clarification from the student or the instructor). If the matter involves a member of the committee, then that individual will recuse himself/herself from deciding the appeal. The committee will notify the student of its decision, which will be final.

If a student experienced extenuating circumstances while enrolled in a course, the university may allow the student to request that a grade of “F” be changed to a “W.” If a properly completed Student F to W Appeal Request Form is not received by the university within 90 days of the date the student’s grade was posted, then the student will forfeit any further right to appeal.

Academic Policy Grievance

An academic policy grievance involves situations where a student believes that the university has not followed published policies regarding an academic decision or discrimination based on race, national origin, color, sex, disability, or age, including Title VI, Title IX, and Section 504. A student who wishes to file an academic policy grievance must follow these procedures:

  • Level 1 - The student must first contact the person who has made the decision for a full explanation of the policy and how the policy was followed.
  • Level 2 - If the policy was not followed or the student disputes the way in which the policy was applied, then the student may request that the matter be reviewed by the Program Director or Chair by filing a form requesting such a review. This form may be obtained from Regions@indwes.edu. If the complaint involves the Program Director or Chair, the student may request that the Dean of the relevant school review the matter. If a properly completed form is not received by the university within 14 days of the date on which the event that gave rise to the complaint occurs, then the student will forfeit any further right to appeal. The Program Director or Chair (or, if applicable, the Dean of the relevant school) will notify the student of the decision.
  • Level 3 - If the matter is not satisfactorily resolved, the student may request that the Academic Appeals Committee review the matter by filing a form requesting a committee review. This form may be obtained from Regions@indwes.edu. If the university does not receive a properly completed form within 15 days of the date on which the decision notice in level two was sent, then the student will forfeit any further right to appeal. The Academic Appeals Committee will notify the student of its decision, which will be final.

A student may seek recourse from any university nonacademic program or employment-related dispute, alleged discrimination on the basis of race, national origin, color, sex, disability, or age, including alleged violation of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Educational Amendments Acts of 1972, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, or other state or federal legislation. Further directions for this process can be found at Non-Academic Appeal Process.

Indiana Weselayan