2023-2024 Catalog




The MSW Faculty are responsible to approve or deny a student’s application to re-enter the MSW Program. This entails the student writing a petition letter addressing what would be done differently to ensure success (see Petition Form below). Upon receipt, the MSW Team reviews the completed student petition and discusses the student’s academic history and previous challenges in prior courses as part of the decision-making process. The decision to approve is accompanied by a Performance Improvement Plan that includes the plan for change outlined in the student’s petition letter response. A denial will be based on multiple variables including the student’s history of withdrawals to avoid failing grades, the student’s inability to produce a sufficient plan of change that supports elements of success, and/or a student violation of the NASW Code of Ethics that could prevent the student form receiving a license to practice. 


Students applying to re-enter the MSW Program will request an appeal form from Adult Enrollment Services (AES) – Re-Entry at AES_ReEntry@indwes.edu. AES Re-Entry will provide the student with the MSW Program Re-Entry Petition Guidelines. Once the student completes the written petition following the guidelines, the student will submit the document to the MSW Program Director through the provided email link at MSW-Online@indwes.edu.

The petition will be reviewed by the MSW Team for discussion and vote. The student will be notified in writing of the re-admission decision by the MSW Program Director. The notification will be copied to Academic Advising at GraduateAdvising@indwes.edu and Re-Entry at AES_ReEntry@indwes.edu for processing.

Academic Advising may work with the student on a success plan as required. The decision to approve may also be accompanied by a Performance Improvement Plan that includes the plan for change outlined in the student’s petition letter response.

Indiana Weselayan