2022-2023 Catalog


Library Services

Online Campus Library Services (OCLS) provides online and onsite access to resources and services specifically for adult students. The Jackson Library in Marion, Indiana, has thousands of materials available in many databases, print and online journals, streaming media (videos), print and ebooks, and microform. Users can search all of these materials through Jackson Library’s online catalog and OCLS’ secure online databases. Remote access is also available to all databases through the university login.

Small library collections are available at IWU’s Regional Education Centers in Louisville, Kentucky and Cleveland, and Dayton, Ohio. These small libraries offer general reference books and full access to the library catalog and online databases.

Librarians answer APA and Chicago Style and create Personalized Search Plans customized to students’ research needs. OCLS can help troubleshoot basic Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, and Excel issues. OCLS also troubleshoots Academic Writer issues.

IWU National and Global online and distance students can contact OCLS via e-mail, by phone at 1-800-521-1848, or through our Virtual Assistant found on the OCLS home page, https://ocls.indwes.edu/.

OCLS is a member of the Academic Libraries of Indiana, which allows Indiana students to use many other Indiana college and university libraries. Kentucky and Ohio students may reach out to their OCLS librarian to learn about access to other libraries in their areas.

Indiana Weselayan