2022-2023 Catalog


Textbook Returns

Textbooks Shipped by Slingshot

Refunds for textbook charges are issued at the sole discretion of Slingshot, according to their established refund policies. To avoid unnecessary charges, students should return each rental textbook at the completion of each class.

  • When a student withdraws from a course, Slingshot will supply the student with a prepaid label to return related materials as long as the student contacts Slingshot Customer Support within 14 days of the course start date, ships the item within 5 business days of the contact, and the enrollment files reflect that the customer is no longer enrolled in this course (within 14 days of the start date). Upon receipt of the item, Slingshot will refund the amount billed for the item minus shipping fees.
  • Promptly contact Slingshot for a Return Authorization for Credit for a course from which you have withdrawn.
  • Refunds issued by Slingshot will be applied as a credit to the student account.

Indiana Wesleyan University is not responsible for issuing refunds for Rentals not Returned, books not received, or books for withdrawn courses. All textbook issues should be immediately addressed with Customer Care at Slingshot in order to receive the appropriate credit.

Digital items fall outside normal return and refund policies, as publishers have different policies on digital resources. We recommend contacting Customer Support at Slingshot as soon as possible if you think you will need to return a digital item. If you have been billed for a digital resource, then withdraw before starting the course, please contact Customer Support at Slingshot immediately upon withdrawal.

Indiana Weselayan