2022-2023 Catalog


Progression Requirements

Academic advisors will review students’ progression in the OTD program at the end of each term, as needed. A student is progressed to the next term of the OTD program upon earning a minimum grade of "B-" or "CR" (pass) in all courses taken within a term while maintaining a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher. If a grade of "C+" or lower is earned, the student will be placed on Departmental Academic Probation and must repeat that course.

Due to the cohort nature of the curriculum, students who do not pass all courses in a given term will be required to withdraw from the program and petition for enrollment into the next cohort of students. If a student falls below the required 3.0 cumulative GPA or earns a grade of "C+" or lower, the student may be dismissed from the program. In such cases, students will not be automatically re-enrolled in the course the following year, but may re-apply for admission into the next class cohort. Students who fail to earn a passing grade on two or more courses (including the same course, repeated) will not be eligible to continue in the program and will be permanently dismissed from the program.

Indiana Weselayan