2022-2023 Catalog


General Education Requirements

Students will . . . .

1. Quantitative Reasoning: Solve mathematical problems enabling determination and communication of reasonable solutions.

2. Speaking and Listening: Communicate effectively with diverse audiences, both verbally and non-verbally, and listen with empathy for shared understanding.

3. Written Communication: Write clearly and effectively for a specified audience and purpose.

4. Humanistic and Artistic: Interpret the aesthetic properties of creative artistic forms as living abundantly.

5. Scientific: Apply qualitative and quantitative methods to gather data and generate evidence‐based conclusions. 

6. Social and Behavioral: Compare and contrast contending interpretations for social, behavioral, or historical phenomena.

7. Integration of Faith: Apply tenets of the Christian faith to the thinking, dispositions, and actions that form their character.


For transfer students who have fulfilled the Indiana Common Core, see the corresponding section below regarding additional IWU General Education Requirements.

Indiana Weselayan