2020-2021 Catalog
2020-2021 Catalog > Courses > PHO - Photography > 300
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A course that will build on the skills and concepts of Photo I. The emphasis of the course is comprehension of still and motion digital capture and manipulation and an expanded understanding and ability to read images. The primary focus being the photographic language and will cover a range of shooting assignments: harnessing available light, narrative and composition, manipulation of imagery, and challenging conceptual ideas of how images can function. Prerequisite: PHO-110.
An advanced studio-based course that will concentrate on portrait and professional lighting techniques. Students will gain experience with portable and studio lighting systems. Emphasis will be placed on preparing students to photograph for consumer and commercial applications within various conditions and locations. Prerequisite: PHO-220.
A course that covers the foundational concepts of time-based media, specifically film and cinema. The emphasis of the course is comprehension of motion digital capture and assembly/manipulation with an expanded understanding and ability to utilize narrative structure to tell story. Prerequisite: ART-245.
A photographic course with emphasis placed upon explorations of photographic vision, technical concerns, aesthetic aspects of photography, and other chemical based processes. Specific techniques covered in a given semester will vary. Prerequisite: PHO-261.