2020-2021 Catalog


MPH-690 Master of Public Health Capstone

The capstone is a scholarly project to demonstrate competency attainment in public health practice. The student will synthesize and integrate knowledge acquired in the MPH coursework and other learning experience and apply theory and principles to public health professional practice. The capstone project addresses a tangible public health problem. Students will demonstrate their mastery of the body of knowledge acquired from MPH program coursework and demonstrate proficiency in the required Public Health core competencies through the applications of theory and principles to "real world" public health issues and concerns. The project is conducted under the supervision of a faculty advisor. Prerequisite: MPH students will be eligible to initiate their capstone project learning experience after successful completion of the following MPH core courses: MPH-560, MPH-510, IPE-545, MPH-570, MPH-620, MPH-565, MPH-605, MPH-610.




Indiana Weselayan