2020-2021 Catalog


General Education Requirements - Associate Degree

Preparatory Requirements (0-6 hours)

At the time students enroll at IWU, they will be informed whether it is necessary to take any of the following preparatory courses:

ENG-119 Effective Writing – Required based on SAT/ACT exam scores (SAT RW 430 or below, RSAT WL & RSAT R below 25, or ACTE 18 or below). This requirement may also be waived by a transfer course or AP score that equates to ENG 120, Research Writing.

Math Requirement – Demonstrated by one of the following: Math SAT greater than or equal to 440, or RSAT greater than or equal to 480, or Math ACT greater than or equal to 19, or earning a "C" or better in MAT-101. Students may retake the SAT in the Center for Student Success (fees apply).  Students (including transfer students) must fulfill this requirement within their first 30 hours. Students who have not fulfilled this requirement within their first 30 hours will not be allowed to enroll in courses at IWU unless they are also enrolled in MAT-101.


   A.A.  A.S.
 (ENG-180/HST-180/MUS-180/PHL-180 and FYE requirement)
 12  6
 Biblical Literature and Theology
 (BIL/REL and THE-101
 9  6
 (ENG-120/Grade of "C")
 3  3
 Language and Literature
 3  0
 Physical Education
 (PHE-101 and one additional PHE course numbered 102-139)
 2  2
 Social Science
 3  3
 Science and Mathematics
 (BIO/CHE/CIS/EAR/MAT-103 or above/PHY/SCI)
 3  3
   35  23

Indiana Weselayan