2020-2021 Catalog


Program Requirements

Academic Standing

Students whose GPA falls below 3.0 will be placed on academic probation and are given two consecutive courses to satisfactorily raise their GPA. The GPA is reviewed after the second course, and if it has been successfully raised, the probationary status is removed. Academic suspension will result if the student's GPA is not successfully raised.

Academic suspension will result if a student fails to clear the academic probationary status within the probationary period of two consecutive courses. The suspension will occur once the grades have been recorded in the Registrar's Office. Students will be notified of the academic suspension in writing. Application for readmission may be made after six months. The application must be made in writing to the MSW Program Director.

Upon a second academic suspension in the MSW program, a student is dismissed from the university, and no longer eligible to earn the MSW degree. 

Incomplete Grades

Students are expected to complete the course requirements by the last class session. There may be
instances when crisis circumstances or events prevent the student from completing the course
requirements in a timely manner. In these rare situations, a grade of "I" (incomplete) may be issued
but only after completing the following process:

  • The student must request an "I" from the instructor.
  • The instructor must obtain approval from the appropriate Regional Dean/Program Director/Program Chair/Division Chair.

However, the issuance of an incomplete cannot be given if the student fails to meet the attendance requirements. Because "incompletes" are granted only for extenuating circumstances, the student’s grade will not be penalized.

Extenuating Circumstances for Incomplete Grade Request

  • Incapacitating illness which prevents a student from attending classes for a minimum period of two weeks
  •  A death in the immediate family
  • Judicial obligations
  • Other circumstances deemed emergencies by the instructor and approved by Program Director.


  • The request for a grade of incomplete must be initiated by the student. (see Request for Incomplete Grade form)
  • The faculty member retains the right to make the final decision on accepting a student’s request for an incomplete grade even though the student may meet eligibility requirements for an incomplete.
  • Valid reasons for not completing the work within a course must be presented in writing to the professor before the last day of that course. (See Request for Incomplete Form).
  • Request for Incomplete Form will be submitted to the MSW Program Director for approval.
  • If approved, written arrangements for completion of course work must be provided by the granting faculty member to the student along with this policy document at the time the incomplete grade is submitted (see Plan for Completion of Course Work).
  • The student must have the ability to pass the class at the time of the request.
  • No more than 1/3 of the work for the course may be left to be completed.
  • Grades of “I” may only be awarded at the end of a course.
  • Incomplete grades will not be computed into GPA.
  • Incomplete grades may have an impact on Financial Aid.
  • It is the responsibility of the student to complete and submit the remaining course work before the assigned deadline.
  • Coursework must be completed and a grade submitted no later than 8 weeks from end of course.
  • Any student not fulfilling the contract obligations of the Incomplete, the grade will default to the grade earned in the course if the remaining work is graded as a zero
  • Students who receive a converted grades that is unsatisfactory, may appeal disputed grades as outlined in the university catalog.
  • Students who receive a converted grade that is unsatisfactory, will not be able to continue in their existing schedule or register for new courses until that course is repeated according to MSW Policy.


A student with more than one incomplete on record is subject to academic suspension.

Gatekeeeping and Performance Review

Gatekeeping and professional performance review in the MSW program occurs throughout the program. While each part of the curriculum is designed to evaluate knowledge, skills, values and behaviors there are several points at which particular focused evaluation occurs.

Review Points:

  • Social Work Field Education Application for each practicum year (Foundation year and Advanced year) is initiated by the Director of Field Experiences approximately three months prior to each field experience. Successful completion of this application process gives the student permission to continue into that field placement. The student must demonstrate competency in their field experience in all courses in order to graduate with the MSW degree. Competency is measured by the Agency Field Instructor Evaluation and the projects completed as part of the Field Education Seminars. The student must pass their Field Evaluation to pass Seminar.
  • The MSW program faculty continually evaluates student’s professional performance throughout the program through interactions with, and between, students, faculty, and others throughout the program. Professional performance is monitored by faculty through coursework submissions, such as weekly discussion boards and assignment responses, and through emails or other forms of communication with or about students. The following items indicate when a student fails to meet professional performance criteria as listed in the MSW Student Handbook:
    • Fails to meet generally accepted standards of professional conduct, personal integrity or emotional stability required for professional practice;
    • Fails to demonstrate the effective interpersonal skills necessary to perform professional helping relationships;
    • Fails to adhere to the NASW Code of Ethics;
    • Has been found guilty of criminal misconduct that affects the student’s ability to be licensed as a social worker; or
    • Displays inappropriate or disruptive behavior toward clients, other students, faculty, or staff which interferes with professional judgment or jeopardizes the best interest of those to whom the Social Work student has a professional responsibility.
Formal evaluation of professional performance occurs when a professional performance issue has been identified and brought to the MSW program faculty. The faculty use a Rubric for Assessing Professional Behavior that operationalizes the following twelve professional performance behaviors: attendance; punctuality; respect; self-awareness; diversity awareness; collegiality; oral communication; written communication; initiative; reliability; responsiveness to feedback; compliance with professional requirements of the program, and; compliance with NASW Code of Ethics.

The following Student Professional Performance Policy and Procedures has been included in the MSW Student Handbook to inform students of the criteria for evaluating their professional performance.

Student Professional Performance Policy and Procedures

Students who violate ethical standards of practice established by NASW in the Code of Ethics, whose professional performance affects their ability to be licensed as a social worker, and/or who do not meet the practice behaviors established by CSWE, may be recommended for a Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) to offer the opportunity to correct the identified behaviors. Students who do not meet goals as detailed in a Performance Improvement Plan will be terminated from the Social Work Program.

Performance concerns may include, but are not limited to the following:

  • Fails to meet generally accepted standards of professional conduct, personal integrity or emotional stability required for professional practice;
  • Fails to demonstrate the effective interpersonal skills necessary to perform professional helping relationships;
  • Fails to adhere to the NASW Code of Ethics;
  • Has been found guilty of criminal misconduct that affects the student’s ability to be licensed as a social worker; or
  • Displays inappropriate or disruptive behavior toward clients, other students, faculty, or staff which interferes with professional judgment or jeopardizes the best interest of those to whom the Social Work student has a professional responsibility.

Procedures for Student Performance Improvement

  • Faculty should submit a written report that delineates the reasons (evidence) based on one or more academic and/or nonacademic violation(s) to the Performance Review Committee (PRC). The Performance Evaluation Tool should accompany the report.
  • The Performance Review Committee will include the social work faculty member bringing forth the evidence, the Program Director (or surrogate), the Field Director, academic advising, and full-time social work faculty. Other committee members may include representation from the registrar, disability services, financial aid, and program administrators (i.e. Chair and Dean).
  • The Committee will review the evidence and discuss recommendations, including any performance outcomes deemed necessary to correct the behavior(s) and continue in the program. Once the discussion is concluded, the Director will call for a decision vote.
  • The Program Director will contact the student to invite a meeting to discuss the evidence and decision of the PRC. During this meeting, the student will have an opportunity to present any additional information relevant to the performance concerns.
    • If a Performance Improvement Plan was recommended by the PRC, this will be presented and discussed with the student.
    • If the PRC decision is suspension from the Program, the Academic Advisor will explore and facilitate alternative schedules with the student.
  • The Program Director will notify the student in writing a summary of the meeting with the student. This letter will include the following: the performance concern(s); the PRC decision; a date for the PIP Review (if applicable); the re-entry plan for a student being suspended; and the date of exit from the program for a student terminated from the MSW program. Students will also be provided the information for filing a grievance should they contest the PRC decision, including the link to the Grievance Policy.

Continuation in and Policy for Termination from the Social Work Program

To remain in the MSW program, students must maintain a 3.0 GPA, must pass all courses with a minimum of a "C," successfully pass all the seminar courses, complete required field hours and pass the field performance evaluation based on required established scores indicated in the manual for field education. If a student withdraws from or receives below a "C" in a course he or she may re-take the course but may not move on in the program until successfully passing the course.

It is the desire of the MSW faculty that students admitted to the program will continue in the program and graduate. However, there are circumstances that could lead to dismissal from the MSW program. Some violations may include but are not limited to:

  • Unresolved personal issues that, in the professional judgment of the social work faculty, could impair the effective quality provision of services to future clients.
  • Evidence of chemical dependency documented as occurring during the course of study.
  • Recurring or habitual absenteeism.
  • Inappropriate behavior and/or an inability to develop the appropriate interpersonal skills necessary for effective social work practice.
  • Repeated failure to demonstrate professional work habits and professional behavior.

In the event of any of the above violations, the MSW Program Director in consultation with Social Work faculty may require outside evaluations and/or opinions of professionals as is deemed necessary to determine the most appropriate course of actions. Each situation is treated individually, and the student may appeal any decision that is made.

Academic Grievance Procedures

Students may contest academic and professional review decisions through the grievance process. The purpose of the grievance procedure is to ensure that students are being treated fairly and that their rights have not been violated. In accordance with the academic grievance policies outlined in the University Catalog and established by the University and College of Adult and Professional Studies (CAPS), within which the MSW program is housed, students may use the following appeal and grievance procedures if they feel their rights have been violated: Grade Appeal and Academic Policy Grievance.

MSW Program Grievance Policy Internal Grievance Steps

Within the MSW program, students may also report a grievance of any kind according to the following process.

  • When appropriate, and or possible, the student shall attempt a satisfactory reconciliation directly with the MSW faculty member involved.
  • In situations of unsatisfactory resolution or incidences not directly involving a faculty member, the student may petition the IWU MSW Program Director in writing. The Director will then hold a conference with the student within ten working days of the request.
  • If a student is not satisfied with the outcome of the above meeting, he or she may submit a written request for a hearing with the Chair of the Behavioral Sciences Department. The hearing shall be held no later than ten days after the student’s written request for a hearing in keeping with the University grievance process as stated in the Catalog.
  • Direct request for further hearing or petition may be made to the Academic Dean per University Academic Grievance policy described above.
Indiana Weselayan