Pre-Occupational/Physical Therapy Programs
The Health and Human Performance (HHP) division is one entry point for those students interested in Physical or Occupational Therapy. The Pre-OT and PT programs consist of a combination of courses taken in conjunction with the course requirements for any other university major. Common major choices include Exercise Science, Applied Health and Fitness, Biology, Psychology or Athletic Training. These programs are designed to prepare students for application to a professional OT or PT program. It should be noted that these pre-programs do not meet all requirement for all PT or OT programs. Some schools may require different coursework; therefore as a student narrows their choice of graduate programs, it is imperative that the students identify the appropriate prerequisite requirements necessary. Students should work with their academic advisors to ensure they have met all of the necessary admissions requirements. The coursework for these two pre-professional programs is listed below.
Due to the high academic achievement that is required for admission to professional schools, there is an admission process for entry into the Pre-Occupational/Physical Therapy programs. Upon completion of the sophomore year, students interested in the Pre-Occupational/Physical Therapy programs must have a minimum GPA of 3.0 and interview with the Pre-Occupational/Physical Therapy advisor (this individual is usually the student's academic major advisor). It is essential that the GPA be maintained. Should a student's GPA fall below the 3.0 requirement, the student will be put on probation from the program and be given one semester to increase his or her GPA back into the acceptable range. If the GPA is not increased to a 3.0 or above, the Pre-OT/PT designation will be dropped from the degree audit. If the student is graduating in that semester, the Pre-OT/PT designation will be dropped from the degree audit and the diploma.
Reinstatement Back into the Program
If at a later date both of the GPAs are raised to the required level, the student can request reinstatement to the program by submitting a written request to the Pre-OT/PT Committee.
Transfer Students
Transfer students wishing to enter the Pre-OT/PT program will need to demonstrate that they meet the GPA requirements in core courses and overall completed courses based on applicable classes at previous accredited institutions. All subsequent decisions as to retention in the Pre-OT/PT program will be based on IWU courses only.
Requirements Pre-Physical Therapy Core (36 credits)
Requirements Pre-Physical Therapy Core (36 credits)
BIO-311 Mammalian Anatomy and BIO-312 General Physiology are two biology courses that would also meet most professional occupational therapy schools' prerequisites for admittance and can replace BIO-111 and BIO-112 as adequate substitutes for the program requirements.
Recommended Electives
ATR-220 | Therapeutic Modalities | 3 |
ATR-225 | Lower Extremity Evaluation and Assessment | 2 |
ATR-226 | Upper Extremity Evaluation and Assessment | 2 |
ATR-332 | Therapeutic Exercise and Rehabilitation I | 2 |
ATR-333 | Therapeutic Exercise and Rehabilitation II | 2 |
PHE-286 | Kinesiology | 4 |
MAT-113 | College Algebra With Modeling | 3 |
MAT-120 | College Algebra/Trigonometry | 4 |
Requirements Pre-Occupational Therapy Core (39-40 credits)
Pre-Occupational Therapy Core
BIO-111 | Anatomy and Physiology I | 4 |
| and | |
BIO-111L | Anatomy and Physiology I Lab | 0 |
| or | |
BIO-311 | Mammalian Anatomy | 4 |
BIO-112 | Anatomy and Physiology II | 4 |
| and | |
BIO-112L | Anatomy and Physiology II Lab | 0 |
| or | |
PHE-190 | Medical Terminology | 3 |
MAT-204 | Applied Statistics I | 3 |
| or | |
MAT-305 | Statistics for Social Sciences | 3 |
PHY-211 | General Physics I | 4 |
| and | |
PHY-211L | General Physics Lab | 0 |
SOC-150 | Principles of Sociology | 3 |
| or | |
SOC-210 | Minority Group Relations | 3 |
PSY-150 | General Psychology | 3 |
PSY-250 | Developmental Psychology | 3 |
PSY-366 | Psychology of Abnormal Behavior | 3 |
| Research Methods Course (2-3) | 2-3 |
BIO-311 Mammalian Anatomy and BIO-312 General Physiology are two biology courses that would also meet most professional physical therapy schools' prerequisites for admittance and can replace BIO-111 and BIO-112 as adequate substitutes for the program requirements.
Recommended Electives