2016-2017 Catalog


Athletic Training - B.S.

This bachelor's degree is designed to prepare the student for a career in the field of athletic training/sports medicine. The major can be completed in 8 semesters of study. The current route to become a BOC certified athletic trainer is through a CAATE accredited athletic training program. IWU's athletic training program (ATP) started in 1988 and is committed to program excellence. This is a competitive program and application alone does not guarantee admittance. Any student designating Athletic Training as their major is given a pre-athletic training major description which signifies their intent to apply to the program. The application process to this program is a two-term process. For a traditional student the application process should be started in the fall of the first year of declaring the major, with formal application being due on April 1 of the second term. Transfer students or students changing their major at spring semester are still eligible to apply to the program via the spring semester and May term application process; applications are due by May 1 of the second term. A spring to fall term applicant will have their application due December 1 of the second term. Decisions for program acceptance or denial will be made by the athletic training faculty after the application process is completed and students will be notified by mail.

Students Changing Majors and Transfer Students

A prospective student must declare an interest in Athletic Training as a chosen field within his or her first year of study at IWU. A student beyond his or her freshman year at IWU (e.g., changing majors) will also be considered for the program; however, an additional semester of study may be necessary to satisfy the educational and clinical requirements for CAATE as well as IWU's Athletic Training Program. A transfer student may apply certain athletic training courses from another university/college toward our major if the course is acceptable to the ATP director (e.g., course content, credit hours, and description) and meets all transfer requirements by the Registrar's Office.

Athletic Training Program Application Procedure

All students applying to the IWU ATP must meet the technical standards of IWU's ATP. Should accommodations need to be made for the student, the student must contact the athletic training program director and the Center for Student Success. The technical standards for our program are available on the athletic training website or from the athletic training faculty. Applications are available from the ATP director upon request. If a pre-athletic training student does not gain acceptance into the program on his or her initial application, he or she can repeat the application process one additional time or elect to change majors. The following criteria must be met to gain admittance into the athletic training program as an athletic training student:

  1. A formal cover letter of application stating why you want to apply to the program and why you want to become a certified athletic trainer.
  2. Completion of the Indiana Wesleyan University Athletic Training Program application, submission of 3 letters of recommendation, signed technical standards, interview with the athletic training faculty, and a minimum of 150 hours of clinical observation over two terms.
  3. Completion of all prerequisite coursework with at least a 2.0 GPA (C) or above in each course. A student's overall GPA must be a 2.7 or higher.
  4. Completion of two terms of attendance at Indiana Wesleyan University.
  5. Commitment to the mission of the university as demonstrated by professional conduct. Apparent interest and motivation, as evidenced by work habits, promptness, etc. Athletic Training background through previous high school and/or college-level experience prior to application to the Athletic Training Program is desirable but not required.

Athletic Training Program Retention Policy

To remain in the Athletic Training program as an athletic training student, the student must achieve the standards listed below. Failure to meet these standards could result in probation or removal from the program.

  1. Earn at least a 2.0 GPA (C) or above in all required courses within the major.
  2. Earn at least a 2.7 cumulative GPA (B-).
  3. Be in good standing with the university (e.g., no citizenship probation).
  4. Participate in OSHA, HIPAA and blood-borne pathogen training each academic year.
  5. Complete a criminal background check every year through IWU prior to required clinical rotations.
  6. Maintain CPR-PR certification while enrolled at IWU.
  7. Show progress through clinical instruction and learning over time.
  8. Perform all duties assigned to the best of one's ability.
  9. Show a professional attitude and character in all areas of athletic training, both academic and clinical.

Athletic Training Program Probation Policy

Any athletic training student within the program may be subject to a probationary status. A probationary status will be assigned if an athletic training student does not abide by the standards of the IWU Athletic Training program as identified in the ATP Student Handbook. The athletic training program director is the only authority that can administer a probationary status or remove a probationary status within this program. The athletic training program director and athletic training faculty may also remove athletic training students from the program for infractions of divisional and university policies. Athletic training students may not accumulate clinical hours while on probation but may progress through the Athletic Training major course sequence as advised and approved by the student's athletic training academic advisor.

Athletic Training Student Health Policy

Athletic training students must have the appropriate health forms and records on file with the athletic training program director to be considered for admittance to the Athletic Training Program. In addition, athletic training students will be required to have the following tests and vaccinations by the start of their first semester in the major (or in the process to receive the vaccinations - HBV):

  1. Tuberculin Skin Test: If the TB test is positive, a chest x-ray must be done. A yearly TB test is required and written results are given to the athletic training program director to be added to that student's file. The athletic training student may have this test done at the IWU Health Center.
  2. Hepatitis B Vaccination: Athletic training students are strongly encouraged to be vaccinated with the Hepatitis B vaccine (HBV). A sum of three injections in a six-month period is required for this vaccination. Each injection will vary in cost depending on where you obtain the vaccination. A waiver must be signed and in the athletic training student's permanent file if he or she chooses not to obtain the vaccination.
  3. Physical Examination: Athletic training students will have a physical examination conducted by the team physician. If a student athlete is applying to the ATP, their pre-participation physical is acceptable for this requirement.

Requirements (70 credits)

Pre-Professional phase - PATH (Pre-Athletic Training) Prerequisites to the Athletic Training Program (12 credits)

BIO-111Anatomy and Physiology I


BIO-112Anatomy and Physiology II


PHE-101Concepts of Health and Wellness


PHE-229Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation


PHE-230First Aid Basics


Professional phase - ATH (Athletic Training) Core Curriculum of the Athletic Training Program (58 credits)

ATR-195Introduction to Athletic Training


ATR-196Athletic Training Clinical Education Experience I


ATR-197Athletic Training Clinical Education Experience II


ATR-199Athletic Training Practicum I


ATR-220Therapeutic Modalities


ATR-225Lower Extremity Evaluation and Assessment


ATR-226Upper Extremity Evaluation and Assessment


ATR-231Advanced Athletic Training


ATR-250Muscle Testing and Joint Measurement


ATR-296Athletic Training Clinical Education Experience III


ATR-297Athletic Training Clinical Education Experience IV


ATR-299Athletic Training Practicum II


ATR-332Therapeutic Exercise and Rehabilitation I


ATR-333Therapeutic Exercise and Rehabilitation II


ATR-350Seminar in Athletic Training


ATR-396Athletic Training Clinical Education Experience V


ATR-397Athletic Training Clinical Education Experience Vi


ATR-399Athletic Training Practicum III


ATR-431Evaluation/Recognition of Injuries/Cond Athletic Injuries


ATR-440Pharmacology for the Athletic Trainer


ATR-450Senior Seminar in Sports Medicine


ATR-492Administration of Athletic Training


ATR-495Athletic Training Practicum IV


ATR-496Athletic Training Clinical Education Experience Vii


ATR-497Athletic Training Clinical Education Experience Viii


PHE-225Psychology of Sport and Exercise


PHE-264Principles of Strength and Conditioning




PHE-362Nutrition for Health




PHE-374Physiology of Exercise


Athletic Training Major Requirements for Graduation

  1. Athletic training students must complete a clinical rotation for lower and upper extremity sports, a general medical rotation, and an equipment intensive rotation.
  2. Athletic training students must complete the hour requirements for all clinical and practicum courses.
  3. Athletic training students must gain initial CPR-PR/AED certification and maintain that certification while at IWU.
  4. Athletic training students must complete the clinical education instruction plan consistent with the learning over time model.

Indiana Weselayan