2013-2014 Catalog


Pre-medical Science Programs

  • Pre-dentistry
  • Pre-medicine
  • Pre-optometry
  • Pre-pharmacy
  • Pre-physician Assistant
  • Pre-veterinary

A program in pre-medical science consists of a combination of the pre-medical science core courses AND the courses required for any other official university major. The pre-medical science program leads to a Bachelor of Science degree and is designed to prepare the student for application to one of the medically related professional schools. Some professional schools may require additional coursework of which the student should be informed before registration.

Admission to the Program

Because high academic achievement is required for admission to professional schools, the Division of Natural Sciences has developed an admissions process for entry into the pre-medical science program. Upon completion of the freshman year, students interested in pre-medical sciences must achieve both a minimum Pre-Med Core course GPA of 3.2 and a cumulative GPA of 3.2, complete a prescribed essay, and interview with the Pre-med Committee. The essay and interview are administered as part of the PMD-110 course (completed by the student in the spring of his or her first year). It is essential that the GPA be maintained; students whose Pre-Med Core course or cumulative GPA drops below 3.2 will be given one semester of grace to raise the GPA deficiency. If the Pre-Med Core course as well as the cumulative GPAs are not successfully raised, the Pre-Med designation will be dropped from the degree audit. If the student is graduating that semester, the Pre-Med designation will be dropped from the degree audit and the diploma.

Reinstatement Back to the Program

If at a later date both of the GPAs are raised to the required level, the student can request reinstatement to the program by submitting a written request to the Pre-Med Committee.

Transfer Students

Transfer students wishing to enter the Pre-Med Program will need to demonstrate that they meet the GPA requirements in core courses and overall completed courses based on applicable classes at previous accredited institutions. All subsequent decisions as to retention in the Pre-Med Program will be based on IWU courses only. These students are expected to enroll in PMD-110 at their earliest opportunity.

General Education Requirements

Students in this major meet the general education competencies by taking the approved standard courses.

Indiana Weselayan