2013-2014 Catalog


School of Teacher Education


The School of Teacher Education (SoTE), in partnership with other departments in the University, offers professional education courses and programs designed to prepare students to become teachers of excellence for elementary and senior high/junior high/middle schools in both public and private school arenas. The faculty at Indiana Wesleyan University believes teacher education is a campus-wide responsibility. As a product of this cooperative perspective, the Teacher Education Program is a collaborative partnership between general education, subject matter, and professional education programs. The IWU Teacher Education Program is accredited by the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE) and is a member of the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (AACTE).

Teacher Education Programs

Majors leading to teacher certification are available in three areas: elementary education, secondary education, and exceptional needs education. These majors include:

Elementary Education (K-6 Certification)

Elementary Education

Elementary/Exceptional Needs Education

Secondary Education (P-12 Certification)

Music Education: Choral

Music Education: Instrumental

Music Education: Choral, General, and Instrumental

Physical and Health Education

Spanish Education

TESOL Education

Visual Arts Education

Secondary Education (5-12 Certification)

Biology Education

Chemistry Education

English Education

Mathematics Education

Physical and Health Education

Social Studies Education

Science Education (Biology/Chemistry)

Visual Arts Education

Exceptional Needs Education

Exceptional Needs: K-6

Exceptional Needs: P-12

Severe and Profound certification may be added to each exceptional needs major upon additional coursework.

Indiana Weselayan