2013-2014 Catalog


Community Standards

Indiana Wesleyan University, as a Christian university, is a community joined together to further academic achievement, personal development, and spiritual growth. Together the community seeks to honor Christ by integrating faith, learning, and living, while its members’ hearts and lives mature in relationships to Jesus Christ and each other. With this purpose, it is desired that each member of this community is either committed to Christ or has respect for a Christian perspective.

Living in a community of believers is a special privilege. This quality is emulated by demonstration of God’s grace. IWU, therefore, places great value on the following relationship characteristics: 1) being dependent and accountable to one another; 2) serving one another in the community, nation, and world; 3) supporting one another, especially those experiencing personal trials; 4) resolving problems through loving confrontation; and 5) restoring relationships that have been hurt.

Faith in God’s Word should lead to behavior that displays His authority in our lives. The following statements exhibit the university’s continuing desire to integrate faith and action in a relevant manner; however, these positions are not set forth as an index of Christianity.

Scripture teaches that certain attributes such as love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control are to be manifested by members of the Christian community. By contrast, Scripture condemns such attitudes as greed, jealousy, pride, lust, needless anger, an unforgiving spirit, harmful discrimination, and prejudice. Furthermore, certain behaviors are expressly prohibited by Scripture. These include theft, lying, dishonesty, gossip, slander, profanity, vulgarity, adultery, homosexual behavior, premarital sex, drunkenness, gluttony, immodesty, and occult practices.

Corporate worship aids in community building and support of the body of Christ. We gather as a community at special times for nurture and admonition in the things of God. These activities include chapel, spiritual emphasis weeks, and other university-related religious events.

Scripture teaches that all actions (work, study, play) should be performed to the glory of God. The university endeavors, therefore, to be selective in choices of entertainment and recreation, promoting those which strengthen the body of Christ and avoiding those which would diminish sensitivity to Christian responsibility.

All Indiana Wesleyan University students are expected to keep the rules of the university from the time they are accepted for admission to the university until they either graduate or officially withdraw from school (this includes vacation times).

All public activities, such as social gatherings, outings, or campus programs sponsored by student groups or by an individual must have plans submitted for approval in advance to Student Development.

All automobiles, motorcycles and bicycles must be registered with Campus Police and a permit secured and positioned on the vehicle/bicycle properly to have permission to be parked on campus.

Students at the time of their application for admission agree to live within the framework of the university’s student code of conduct. Any violation of behavior standards of the university would be sufficient reason for placing the student on citizenship probation, suspension, dismissal, or in some instances, withdrawal from school.

Each student is responsible to be familiar with regulations concerning the residence hall, regulations published in the Student Handbook and other official university publications, and to abide by them consistently.

Indiana Weselayan