2013-2014 Catalog


Schedule Changes and Withdraws


The student’s choice of classes, once made and filed, is expected to be permanent. The last date to add a course shall be the Friday after the first day of classes for fall and spring terms. The last date to drop a course is the second Friday after the start of classes for the fall and spring terms. For students enrolled in the graduate counseling program, the last date to add or drop a course is the second Friday after the first day of the term.

For May term and Summer I (S1) and II (S2) sessions, the last date to add or drop a course is the second day of classes. For Summer Term (S1T) the last day to add a class is the end of the first week. The last day to drop a class for the Summer Term (S1T) is the end of the second week of classes. Any desired change in audit registrations follow the same deadlines as previously identified. All drop/add requests made thereafter require a General Academic Petition and approval from the course professor(s), the director of records, and Academic Affairs.

Withdrawing from Classes

Up until the tenth week of the semester (5/7 or 71% of semester classes), students may withdraw from a course with a grade of “W.” This should be done only after consultation with academic advisors, the Residential Academic Services office, and the Financial Aid Office, as reduction of course load below 12 credits may affect eligibility for athletics, scholarships, or financial aid. After the tenth week of the semester, students may not withdraw from classes without total withdrawal from the university.

Withdrawing from the University

A student desiring to voluntarily withdraw from all classes at the university must obtain a Total Withdrawal form available at the Residential Academic Services office and online at http://wildcat.indwes.edu/Registrar/Forms/. This form must be completed and filed with the Residential Academic Services office before the student leaves campus. No refunds will be made by the Student Account Services, CAS, until the director of records certifies that the withdrawal procedure has been completed. A student failing to complete proper withdrawal remains a student and will be charged as such and receive a grade at the end of the semester. Students in university housing who fail to check out of their rooms properly will be subject to an administrative charge. Failing work at time of official withdrawal after the tenth week of the semester may be counted as "F" in grade-point average.

Any student who is dismissed from the College of Arts and Sciences by Student Development will be administratively withdrawn from all classes.

Intent to Depart

Students who intend to depart from the university for the subsequent semester(s) should complete the Notification of Student Intent to Depart form. Students should inform the Residential Academic Services office by completing and filing this form available at: http://wildcat.indwes.edu/Registrar/Forms.

Leave of Absence

Full time degree seeking students may request a Leave of Absence (LOA) in certain circumstances to preserve their current catalog rights and possibly provide positive implications for financial obligations such as loan repayment, and health and car insurance.

Types of Leave of Absence:

  1. Medical Leave of Absence - LOA petition must be accompanied by a statement from a medical care provider verifying the need for the LOA.
  2. Personal Leave of Absence - petition must include a plan for addressing personal or family issues that lead to the successful completion of the student's academic program.
  3. Planned Educational Leave of Absence - petition must include plans for enriching educational goals that lead to the successful completion of the student's academic program. These plans can include participation in non IWU-supported study abroad experiences, no IWU-supported internships, or short term missions or service programs.

Leave of Absence petitions are available in the Residential Academic Services office and must be completed and approved before the "drop" deadline for the term in which the LOA is requested. Medical and certain unplanned for LOA requests may be considered retroactively or after the "drop" deadline based on the individual circumstances. LOA appeals must be filed and approved by the associate dean of the College of Arts and Sciences before the end of the term for which the LOA is requested.

A Leave of Absence will not be approved for students who are subject to academic dismissal or student conduct dismissal.

Students who do not return to Indiana Wesleyan University by the end of their approved LOA will be considered to have withdrawn from IWU at the end of their last term of regular enrollment.

International students should work with the international student coordinator in the Admissions Office when contemplating a planned LOA as there are Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services regulations regarding the status of international students.

In order to maintain catalog rights under the LOA petition, students must receive prior approval from the Residential Academic Services office for coursework taken at other institutions for transfer to IWU. Failure to do so could result in failure of the coursework to transfer, or loss of current catalog rights.

Students on LOA may not participate in or be registered for any IWU coursework during the LOA time period including incomplete courses, independent learning contracts, and online courses.

Student work positions, divisional stipends, and leadership positions are not guaranteed upon return and must be reapplied for.

It is unlikely that there will be any financial aid benefit for the student who takes LOA. All questions regarding financial aid must be discussed with the student's financial aid counselor.

Students should consult with Student Account Services, CAS and the Financial Aid Office to discuss any financial ramifications of a LOA.

Returning from a Leave of Absence:

A student may choose to return from a LOA earlier than planned but must return on the first day of classes for the semester. When students return from a LOA, either on time or early, they may request reinstatement through the Admissions Office by completing the re-enrollment form before the first day of new term. Students must notify the Residential Academic Services office of their intent to return before the end of the term previous to the expected date of return. Undergraduate students who are on Academic or Citizenship Probation status when they take a LOA will return with the same status.

Study Abroad students who use a LOA to attend unaffiliated programs should be aware that there is no guarantee of academic credit at IWU and must apply for such under transfer policy guidelines.

Indiana Weselayan