2013-2014 Catalog
2013-2014 Catalog > College of Arts and Sciences > Policies and General Information - College of Arts and Sciences and Pre-licensure Nursing > Financial Information - College of Arts and Sciences > Tuition and Fees > Fees
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Art Studio Courses and Graphics
$75 per course
Late/Change Registration Fee
$25 additional charge
Medical Laboratory Technology
$30 per semester
PSY-150 Fee
$32 per course
PSY-290 Fee
$35 per course
PSY-291 Fee
$125 per course
SWK-343 Fee
ADC-291 Fee
Nursing/Clinical Fee
$30 per credit hour
Nursing/Lab Fee
$160 per course
Nursing testing fees...
vary depending on the semester and will be assessed to student accounts on a semester basis. Please contact the Nursing office to determine if you will have a testing fee for the current semester.
Private Lessons
(1/2 hour lesson)
$175 per semester
(1 hour lesson)
$300 per semester
Senior Recital
$200 per course
Student Teaching Fee
$25 per credit hour
Practicum Fee
Independent Learning Fee
$100 per credit hour
Transcript Fee
$3 per request
Music Uniform Fee
Cross-cultural Student Teaching Fee
$20 per course
Athletic Training Education Program Fee
$190 total for traditional 4 year student
Annual TB Test
Physical Examination
Annual Criminal Background Check
Audit (Record is made)
$50 per course
Tuition and Fees