General Information - CAS and Pre-licensure Nursing Financial Aid
The role of financial aid at Indiana Wesleyan University is to make a quality Christian education affordable to each and every student who qualifies.
Criteria for Aid: Everyone receives aid! All full-time students admitted to Indiana Wesleyan University will receive institutional aid. Students are not required to file the FAFSA to receive these institutional awards, but are encouraged to file in order to be eligible for grants based upon financial need. For the purposes of student financial aid, “need” is defined as the difference between the total cost of education and the amount a family may be expected to contribute toward that education. Most financial aid at Indiana Wesleyan University is awarded on the basis of demonstrated need. In addition, most forms of federal, state, and institutional financial aid are intended to assist those students who have not already earned a first baccalaureate degree.
Types of Aid: Student financial aid can be classified under four major headings: scholarships, grants, loans, and work programs.
Scholarships and grants are both forms of nonrepayable aid. The term “scholarship” usually is applied to an award that recognizes academic achievement or promise. Sometimes the amount of a scholarship depends on the financial need of the recipient. Grants are usually based on financial need.
Loans and work programs are forms of self-help aid. Student loans often contain desirable features such as deferred payments during periods of schooling, low interest rates, interest subsidies, or provision for working off the loan obligation through future service in a particular profession. Work assignments connected with the student aid program consist of part-time campus jobs.
Applying for Aid: All students desiring financial aid must submit the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) available on the Web at After evaluation by the Financial Aid Office, this information is used to determine the kinds and amounts of need-based aid for which the student qualifies.