courses with ART prefixes
courses with ACC, BUS, ENT, FIN, MKG, MNG prefixes
courses with COM prefixes
Mathematics and Computer Sciences
courses with CIS and MAT prefixes
Modern Languages and Literature
courses with CHI, ENG, FRE, SPA, TSL, WRI prefixes
courses with MUS prefixes
Behavioral Sciences
courses with ADC, CNS, CRJ, PSY, SOC, SDC, SWK prefixes
Social Sciences
courses with ECO, GEO, HST, INR, PBP, POL prefixes
Leadership Studies
courses with LDR, MSC 300 and above prefixes
Teacher Education
courses with EDS, EDU prefixes and discipline specific concentrations
Health and Human Performance
courses with ATR, PHE, REC prefixes
Natural Sciences
courses with BIO, CHE, EAR, PHY, PMD, SCI, SPM prefixes
courses with NUR prefixes
Theology and Ministry
courses with BIL, CED, GRE, HBR, ICD, INT, LAT, MIN, PHL, REL, THE, WOR, YTH prefixes