Student Handbook 2024-2025


Damages and Repairs

The maintenance system at IWU is student initiated. The  work order request form is available on the Facilities Services online Portal page.

Any damage to student rooms or residence hall common areas should be reported to a residence hall staff member immediately.

The occupants of that room will share the repair cost for any damages in a student room unless an individual assumes responsibility for them. All damage fees will be added to students’ accounts through the Student Accounts Services office.

Persons found responsible for damages occurring in common areas will be held financially responsible for repairs and may be subject to further Student Conduct sanctions. Damages occurring in other areas for which the responsible person cannot be determined will be billed in the following ways:

•     Those within a specific floor will be billed to all members on that floor, the cost divided equally;

•     Those occurring in public areas, such as lobbies and lounges, will be billed to all residents of the hall, the cost being divided equally.

•     All repairs will be made by IWU Facilities Services or by a contractor hired by the University.

Indiana Weselayan